Aging and Lifespan of Mankind
at the outside factors and think about what you would like to change and
what you are able to change about them. If you are convinced that there
is nothing you can do about them, accept them the way they are and make
the most of them. Be content in your daily life and love the way you live.
In any way you are able to eat healthier food and stop certain habits that will certainly make you look older for sure: One aging factor is almost any type of addiction, especially alcohol and cigarettes will make you visibliy older long before the time. Yet another aging factor is sunbathing: That is a sure way to wrinkles and leather skin. A smart tan gives the illusion of youth and health - but unfortunately only for a few years. Once I overheard a group of physicians in a restaurant joke and laugh about women of a certain age with leather skin. There is nothing you can do to make your skin recover from frequent exposure to the sun. Each sunburn is a certain step towards looking like an old purse in a few years from now. The women of former ages knew why to avoid the exposure to sun! I
also don't believe in genes like science does. I know that there actually
is very little inheritance, in your looks and ways, in health, and in aging
- as I know that little children are picking up energies from the people
around them, they actually soak them up, and of course they are influenced
by those energies. They are learning from their family members to think
in a certain way, to feel in a certain way, to look at the world in a certain
way and to express themselves in a certain way.
by chance we are born into a certain family! We have known our family members
for a very long time, and we are tied together in deepest LOVE and by karma,
as we have chosen each other to help us in the learning process, which
life on Earth means for us, so we would advance.
There are certain people who don't seem to age, they get more and more beautiful every day and their faces seem to shine. Their wrinkles seem to smile all the time. It just depends on your inner way of handling your life: Have you often and easily been mad, disgustful, discontent, unhappy or grudging, your face will mirror that with deep wrinkles in your forehead, between your eyes and from both sides of your nose to your mouth. When you are discontent, you produce a lot of dark energies that will make you sick and old. A dark cloud seems to hover aroud you. You
can change your outer life (your surroundings including the people around
you) by changing yourself. If you are harmonious and well-balanced inside,
you will find the outside to be accordingly. The outside world is the mirror,
in which we view ourselves.
the energetic clearing process,you are able to free yourself from all problems
of body, mind and soul as well as from your karma. Of course you have to
DO it regularly, preferably each day - and keep it up!
following text with its links will guide you to Unconditional LOVE and
how you can work with it.
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Now if you want to start working at yourself, you should know that this will not always be easy and might last many years - but that there is nothing more beautiful and more fulfilling. I am ready to help you with personal advice, if you so need so, but that can only be an exception, as you will have to take upon you the responsibility for your own life, for your own advancement. Of course you can come to my group sessions regularly, when you happen to live in Berlin and vicinity. If you don't, you can learn everything you need from this website. I
suggest that you think about founding a group
yourself with people of similar interests, working together with my pages.
If you tell others about it, who have problems, too (and who doesn't?),
they may be interested. Or put an ad into the paper, then you can reach
many people. This way you can help each other. In a group you open yourself
for others and learn much faster. The others are a mirror to you - and
you are mirroring them. Learn to know the others without prejustices, with
no fear, no bad expectations - just open your hearts. Accept the weaknesses
of others and learn to love them. If you have problems, imagine it is Christmas
and ask Jesus CHRIST to let the Christmas Spirit come down upon you, even
if it is a totally different time of year - your imagination creates reality!...
Practice Unconditional LOVE and see, how wonderful this is for everybody!
See how wonderful it is to see people open up and begin to trust each other.
Work with FUN, with JOY, but do not try to make a contest of it. Be easy
and light and LIVE lightness and easyness. Talk about your progress and
your new experiences, laugh and be happy - don't mention your problems
and deseases, except the first time you meet, maybe - because those subjects
are lowering your vibrations.
The group lives by its high energy. But besides, the group has another effect: synergy = the sum is more than the addition of all positions. The group creates a dynamic force that hightens the dynamic power of each member. That means, that each member of the group will profit and advance more and faster than working alone. That is why I make group sessions. The best remedy for overcoming addictions, as well as all other kinds of desease and problems, is Working
with LIGHT and LOVE.
Beginning your work, I suggest that you read all the pages to the
LOVE' from beginning to end, and if you feel like it, you can
follow the instructions right there and then. Then I suggest the pages
to the subject 'Energetic Clearing',
from beginning to end.
pages will help you solve your problems best: -
LIGHTWORK - Working with the LIGHT of GOD
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