EASTER - Celebration of
Eternal LIFE |
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was not only celebrated since the founding of the Church, but it is an
ancient human celebration - the celebration of Spring, of the Return of
LIFE, of Regeneration, of Resurrection of Nature, of the DIVINE GRACE of
Spring, Fertility, Plenty and JOY.
At all times, MEN have understood the Dying and Resurrection of Nature as a symbol and as evidence of the DIVINE in the material plane, and they lived it as a symbol and celebrated it as such, because they thought themselves to be a part of Nature, thus celebrating their own fertility. When Central Europe was 'christianized', and the new religion was to be anchored in the minds of the people, the Church replaced the ancient traditions by 'Easter' and took over some of the old 'heathen' Spring Customs as 'Easter' customs. |
Easter is the Highest Festivity of Church, and its center is the (supposed) 'Death at the Cross' of Jesus CHRIST on Good Friday, the Friday before Easter, and His 'Resurrection' on Easter Sunday, the 3rd day after the crucifixion (including Friday itself). | |||
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and why was He crucified? |
had several ASSIGNMENTS, that altogether were meant to help the people
get out of their wrong and material way of thinking, of their entanglement
with darkness, to make them worship GOD alone, HIM, WHO IS LIGHT AND LOVE,
and to live Unconditional LOVE again. So He brought LOVE
and LIGHT, taught
to the animals and caring for and protecting
animals. He taught vegetarian
nutrition, and He taught MEN to honor again FATHER
and MOTHER and to pray to them. So He actually
brought New Commandments!
But most of all, He told the people, that they did not worship the TRUE
GOD and the TRUE GODDESS anymore, that they
had strayed. Thus He actually brought REVOLUTION
- the Spiritual Revolution of Hearts, a Revolution of all human societies
of that time! The priests of the old God, of Jehova, of Jahwe, knew what
He was preaching and they knew that His Preachings were a direct threat
to their existence: THAT WAS WHY HE WAS CONDEMNED TO DIE at the cross!
the Crucifixion itself was also part of His ASSIGNMENT, because it had
been part of the PLAN:
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for this ASSIGNMENT. He healed His wounds Himself, being helped by the
great Healers of His Community - as He Himself was the greatest MASTER
of LIGHTWORK. In the years following the Crucifixion, He remained secluded
from the world, while fullfilling the second part of His LIFE's ASSIGNMENT,
which was purely Spiritual, avoiding to draw attention upon Himself. He
did not correct the people's wide-spread belief in His bodily resurrection
- and in a way that was a symbolic interpretation of the actual events
- because such a 'Coarsening' of the Wonders that had revealed before their
eyes, was their only possible approach to it... Their minds were unable
to grasp the TRUTH. In later years He travelled to foreign countries,and
He died in another land than where He had been born. While being on Earth,
He always followed the WORD and the guidance of His HEAVENLY FATHER.
was true that angels were present at the time of His Birthand His later
years. Actually angels are not able to descend beyond the 6th, at the most
the 5th dimension, and if they do so it can only be for a very short time.
But when there is a Cosmic Gate, they are able to
reach even our 3-dimensional realms, because the Gate
opens the way, allowing them to sojourn - as happened in Palestine at that
time, when angels were there on earth, walking in and out, as Jesus CHRIST
said. They were the Cosmic Masters of Energy, preparing and creating the
conditions for the Events of that time, so that the Work of Redemption
through the CHRIST Entity could take place. Thus preconditioned, The COSMIC
CHRIST, the Higher Self of Jesus, was able descend to earth and merge with
Him, as well as LOGOS, the HIGHEST CONSCIOUSNESS. So there were THREE Beings
merging in the Human Body of Jesus - at least from the moment of His Baptism
on: The human Being Jesus as an incarnation of the CHRIST Entity, COSMIC
CHRIST Himself, being the HIGHER SELF of Jesus, and the LOGOS, DIVINE CONSCIOUSNESS.
there actually had been a descension first (from higher dimensions), and
then an ascension (return) of the COSMIC BEINGS CHRIST and LOGOS. The LOGOS
left Jesus during Crucifixion, when He called out, 'My Father, why did
you leave me', and the CHRIST ENTITY left Him three days later. That process
is known to us as the so-called 'resurrection' - today we would say, 'ascension'
('resurrection' at that time was actually understood to be rebirth in the
course of reincarnation, and that was a widely known and accepted fact).
It meant that the LIGHTBODY of CHRIST, having left the human body of Jesus
(after the energetic healing of that tortured body had been done), now
ascended to the Dimensions HE had come from. That LIGHTBODY was what the
women had seen on Easter morning, and now it seems plausible why they did
not recognize Him at first.
Death is just an illusion, Dying but a transition between dimensions - but LIFE is eternal At the same time
it was a Promise that dying would not be necessary anymore
time where the creation of a LIGHTBODY,
the merging with the Higher Self and Ascension have become an actual possibility.
At the time of Jesus, though, Ascension had not yet been in the realm of
human experience, because the vibrations of Earth were too low. Only now,
2000 years later, while the Earth's vibrations are steadily raised, it
has become a real possibility.
Jesus had given us this promise - and MEN should have lived to be able to fulfill this promise at the given time, starting to prepare from His Preachings on by living a life in GOD, in Unconditional LOVE. They should have cleared and clarified themselves, to become just like Jesus showed them by His own example. This way they would be able to create their BODY of LIGHT at this time! Many people at that time understood those Events exactly the way they were meant, even though most of them did not know it would take 2000 years for fulfillment - but that was not reported in the gospel because the text had been altered at a later time, at the Council of Nicaea, 325 after Christ. |
The LIGHTBODY and the Ascension in that Body, which have become reality through the rising vibrations of Earth. |
And who were those people 2000 years ago? WE OURSELVES - for here we are again, we who had been there at that time and in the following centuries, up to this time today - we who had been deeply moved by the HOLINESS happening around us, no matter WHERE we then happened to live on this planet: Today we are here again and we can remeber deep in our hearts, we can ENJOY the Good Tidings and JUBILATE about it: | |||
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Knaurs Lexicon of Mythology (Droemer Knaur Vlg. 2000) you can read about
'Ostara', Germanic Goddess of Fertility and Goddess of Rosy Dawn, Goddess of Spring and Personification of the sun rising in the East. Her Spring Festivities were performed at the same time as the Easter Festivities. The name Ostara could have been the source of the word 'Easter' or vice versa. Ostara resembles Eostra and is related to the Greek Eos and the Roman Aurora. |
for 'Easter', I found the following in the Lexicon (Brockhaus, 1985):
the Festivity of the Resurrection of CHRIST, the Highest Christian Festivity, the center point of the ecclesiastical year. Before there is Easter week. At the Council of Nicaea (325 after CHRIST) it was stated that Easter is celebrated on the first sunday following the first full moon in spring, at the earliest March 22nd, at the latest April 2th, while the beginning of spring was marked on March 21st. Combining Easter Sunday with the spring full moon goes back to the fixing of the date of the Jewish Passah. In Catholic Church the Liturgy of the days from Palm Sunday to Easter (Holy Week) was renewed in 1955, and on that occasion the ancient Christian Celebration of Easter Night was taken up again, and the Protestant Church is increasingly following this example. Easter customs: Easter combines many older spring traditions. The Easter fire (on the evening before Easter or during the night between the Easter Days) probably goes back to the Germanic Spring Fire; it was meant to be a symbol for the newly awakened nature. In the Latin Liturgy the Easter Candle plays an important part, as a symbol for CHRIST; it is lit in the beginning of the Easter Night Celebration at the consecrated Easter Night Fire. The Easter Water was said to have Healing Power, when taken out of a brook on Easter Sunday before sunrise, without speaking. In some Catholic areas, on their way to church on Easter Sunday, the people take with them Easter food, like ham, eggs etc, to be consecrated and afterwards given out to everyone in their household. The young people went for Easter Singing from house to house, to be given eggs and little gifts. The children are looking for Easter eggs. In a few Catholic areas of the Alps, there still are Easter Ridings around the fields, with the priest in front. Easter Games were all sorts of Festivities and fun in the open air, as well as religious plays. |
old Brockhaus Lexicon of 1853 tells us more details about 'Easter':
Easter, the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus, probably has its German name (i.e. Ostern) from the Festivities of the Germanic Goddess Ostara, which the ancient Saxons used to celebrate at the same time as the Christian Easter is celebrated. To our ancestors, that Goddess was the Creatress of Resurrection of Nature in Spring. (...) The ancient Church was festively celebrating Easter for eight days, until Sunday Quasimodogenitit, but since the 11th century the festivity was cut down to three days, in later time mostly to two days. Easter was the mostly preferred time for baptism. The Courts of Justice were closed, alms were given to the needy, who were also given feasts in Chruches; but this custom led to much nuisance. Slaves were given free, and as Quadragesimal-Fasting was over, many good things were enjoyed. This was called Easter Joy, but eventually it led to excess, so that they tried to distract the people, who were enjoying themselves on Easter playing and dancing, with all kinds of fun and jokes. This was even done by priests from the pulpit, who were telling fairy tales to make the people laugh. This nuisance, which was called Easter Laughing, was successfully fought by the 16th century reformers. During the Easter Week, from Sunday Palmarum until the Begin of Easter itself, daily services were held. But especially Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Easter Evening or Great Sabbath were important Days of festivity and fasting. The Churches were decorated, lit by the Easter Candle and many other candles. The people were greeting each other on Easter Day itself with the Easter Kiss and by saying:Surrexit! (He has resurrected!), and the other answered: Vere surrexit! (verily He has resurrected!). The main celebration always included the Holy Communion. The ecclesiastical year began with Easter, and the week preceding Easter was called Torture Week, in remembrance of the suffering of Jesus. The night before Easter, the Easter Vigils were celebrated with great splendor, but soon they led to improprieties, which gave cause to expel women from the Easter Vigils, as confirmed by the Illiberitanic Synode (305). The Easter Festivities were followed by the Easter Octave, a religious celebration, a custom which the Catholic Church ist still upkeeping, as well as the Easter vigils. Concerning
the time of Easter, there has been an ardent dispute, the Easter Dispute,
starting from the middle of the 2nd century between the Oriental and the
Occidental Church. The oriental Christians wanted to celebrate this Festivity
on 15. Nisan, together with the Jews, the occidental Christians wanted
to celebrate without the Passah meal and only on a sunday, as the day of
the Resurrection itself. This dispute was settled by the decision of the
Nicaea Council (325), favoring the latter's opinion, and the others were
given the heretic name Quartodecimanians or Tessareskaidekasits.
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