is a most beautiful energy of highest vibration. It is one of the qualities
of Unconditional LOVE, one of LOVE's aspects. Each of us has experienced
joy. But there is an enormous difference between joy and JOY. Because joy
is from us, JOY is divine. But because we ourselves are deriving from planes
divine, we are able to feel JOY, too - but we do not know it anymore, we
forgot about it. With these pages I want to help you to rediscover JOY.
You will find the link to the instructions at the bottom of this page.
you may ask, what do I need that for, I can enjoy myself even now! That
is true, but you are only feeling joy, when you have a reason for feeling
joy, isn't it so? So you may feel joy on special occasions: maybe seeing
a loved one again, receiving a letter full of love, receiving a beautiful
gift, seeing a beautiful flower, a beautiful sunrise...
(to the four young people they had been teaching to advance themselves in order to help others): EVERYTHING
once trained myself to feel JOY, by remembering beautiful things of my
past, like the Christmas memories of my childhood, feeling again and again
the joys of former times, each time a little longer and more intense, until
joy turned to JOY and then I as able to feel JOY at any time, spontaneously.
This training took place during my daily drive to work, which took about
1 1/2 hours at that time - but it was time well used. I had recorded the
things I wanted to do mentally on a audio cassette, and heard it while
driving. This way the drive was short and the time was used in the most
profitable way.
I have said before that JOY is a wonderful energy, matter of fact, it is one of the most beautiful energies in the world. You can produce this energy, too, with the non-material organ responsible for producing feelings, the heart chakra. It is situated in the upper half of our chest, right in the middle of it, right were the breast bone ends and you feel a little mold. There the heart cis coming up from the spine, going horizontally forwards and backwards. The part that is busy producing feelings is in the front. This heart chakra is the true CENTER of our whole BEING. JOY is, just like LOVE, an energy with very high vibrations, so you actually don't feel this energy, but you feel the feeling it is expressing. And that is BEAUTIFUL. As the being of LIGHT that you are, it is your right of birth to feel JOY, to lead a wonderful like, that is! You can learn to feel JOY like I did, and/or by following the instructions on the page How to feel JOY. Like all energies with high vibrations, JOY has healing power, meaning, it is a HOLY (healing = holy) power! This means that JOY, with its high vibrations, can make energies of lower vibrations, like anxiety, rage, irritation, stress, grief, pain, sorrow..., go away, it can dissolve them, JUST LIKE LOVE. All those low-vibrational energies are being produced by us, too. They are the kind that cause desease. Now when we are sick from all those feelings, and we then go into JOY, the low swinging energies that are congesting our head and chest are solved and disappear - and there we are, well again - having HEALED us ourselves - WITH THE BEST OF MEDICINE. JOY
has such a strong healing power, that it does not only heal desease, but
ALL problems. So you can also solve mental and psychical problems with
it. All problems are caused by energies - the problems of body, mind and
soul - but actually all those planes are ONE: body, mind and soul are ONE.
When you heal the psychical problems, the mental and physical problems
disappear as well, and vice versa.
it will take a few years of JOY and LOVE - but what are a few years of
energywork considering a whole life of suffering and pain? And each and
every day is a jewel in your life, when you are in JOY, in LOVE! Life turns
into a daily feast, every hour, every minute.
When you are tired of this work and you cannot en-JOY things - leave them be. Do not force yourself! Take things easy, let your heart lead you. And when you feel like it again, keep on going! All our problems are self-made (YES - that is true!). Not society, not our parents, not 'circumstances' are the cause - we ourselves have planned this live for us, exactly the way we have lived it up to now - and the reason we did that was, that we wanted to learn and advance by solving certain peoblems. Because by solving problems you become strong, assemble a lot of knowledge and may even gain wisdom... We wanted to learn certain things to overcome certain character traits, to make good what we had done wrong in the past, to learn to handle things in a different way, and many more... All
our problems are caused by our deficiency of LOVE, including all our deseases
- because if you had been in LOVE, it is the same with JOY - you could
have produced nothing but HEALING Energies. But healing energies cannot
cause varicose veins, tooth problems, back-ache, forgetfulness, grey hair
and heavy weight....! And they do not cause quarrels and fights with your
mate, problems with the children, the teacher, your colleagues and the
boss, as well as your neighbor...
you know that we needed our numerous incarnations to grow and advance,
most of all: Learn to LOVE and live in JOY - and when we have achieved
that, we have reached spiritual maturity and there may be no need for us
to return another time?
Did you know that PAIN and DESPAIR are the only way people would change things in their lives, would turn to GOD, to spirituality? DID YOU KNOW THAT SPIRITUAL ADVANCEMENT IS THE ONLY THING THAT COUNTS IN LIFE? Did
you know that actually the people who hurt us the most, also LOVE us the
most? Because others could not hurt us - and we needed THAT hurt - maybe
to break open an ancient wound, to change our life, to learn to LOVE...?
Things are completely different than we have always thought they were... What
do you think we are here for? EARTH is SCHOOL! For some it is pre-school,
for some elementary school, for others high school, for others college...
Some souls have come to be teachers, but actually we are all teachers and
students at the same time...
So whether you do it consciously or not, WE ALL are on that WAY. If you walk this way unconsciously, you will find it rather dark, you may stumble every once in a while, hitting your foot, straying from the straight way...but if you walk that WAY consciously, gathering more knowledge while going along, being in the LIGHT, being able to avoid holes in the ground and stones, it can be FUN and JOY. So living in JOY and LOVE means getting rid of all the burdens we have been carrying for ages, now becoming light and clear like the Angel we once had been. Do you think that sounds utopian? Now is the time we will live utopias! And that will be easier and faster than ever, because the vibrations of Earth are being increased. Now we will have the chances to do what we have always dreamed of, what we have been loging for for centuries, for thousands of years. Now it will turn into reality. And HEAVEN gives us all the informations we need. Like those you are reading just now. |
I want to give you a song of highest JOY, the "ODE TO JOY" - I do not know
a more beautiful, more up-lifting song of JOY, than this text by Friedrich
von Schiller from the year 1785, to which Ludwig van Beethoven later wrote
an equally great melody. The poet must have been in the highest state of
JOY, while writing these lines, and they are still transporting this high
vibrational energy. That is why they still can touch our hearts - the characteristic
of Great Lyrics, here in rare harmony with Great music...
(I found the translation in the internet (http://mx.geocities.com/sergio_bolanos/origin.htm), but I am not so happy with this version and I do not know whether this is the 'official' version used in concert. For the purpose of this page this is sufficient, but if someone has access to an other version, I would be very glad to be given the text.) Here you will find the original German text. |
beautiful spark of Gods,
has had the great fortune,
all creatures drink
is called the strong motivation
truth's fiery reflection
one cannot ever repay,
is bubbling in the glasses,
and courage for great suffering,
from tyrants' chains,
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