The other Degrees and the Symbols of LIGHTWORK Index of all Pages - Alphabetical Register - Seminars |
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After you have received the I. LIGHT-DEGREE, you will work
with it for a certain period of time during which you will
get to know LIGHTWORK better and better. The I. LIGHT-DEGREE
corresponds to the CONSCIOUSNESS of the first chakra. This is a very
high consciousness and an especially important one, as it is the
basis for all further STEPS! Take all the time you need for it. This is the most important and most fertile time for your development, as you learn to know and to deal with energies, maybe for the first time. In particular, you will also get to know the energies you created yourself with your thoughts and feelings - this means you will learn to know yourself better! I recommend to do at least one APPLICATION
with LIGHT
a day, for yourself or for others; if you do more however, you will feel
even better. Soon you will notice that you are changing: changing for the
better, letting go of more and more problems and desease - and you will not want to miss this feeling, this NEW WAY OF
LIVING anymore. If you do not feel well, give yourself several APPLICATIONS in a row, maybe
two or three or even four - especially when you are feeling down. After I
did that once when I felt a bad bronchial problem coming up I used to
suffer from quite often, the problem was gone completely and I never had
anymore after that - they were gone for good! |
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After some time, you will receive the II. LIGHT-DEGREE from GOD.
There are no guidelines when this may happen, and the same goes for the further DEGREES - as this is individually different. Maybe you will
consciously witness this initiation, such as it happened to me, maybe you will just notice some changes in your work
and realize that you receive new informations.
It is possible that from now on and with each further DEGREE you receive symbols to work with, because - like keys - they give you access to energy on a higher level than you yourself could reach. HOWEVER, THIS MUST NOT BE THE CASE - Many people have had traumatic experiences with symbols during their former incarnations (symbols were also used for human sacrifices, executions and manipulations!) and therefore fear the use of symbols. Your GUIDANCE knows exactly what your soul wants. And be certain that you will always have exactly the STRENGTH that you will need. And this may happen in other ways than by symbols! If however you do receive symbols, this does not have to mean that you receive exactly the same symbols that I teach in my seminars or the same symbols that other people have received from GOD. Please keep these symbols exclusively for yourself, because they are your own individual GIFT, the key to your own POWER! If other people had your maturity, they would have received symbols for themselves, either the same or different ones - what would this matter? Take it the way it is. |
INITIATIONS INTO THE LIGHT, The following principle goes: |
If you did receive symbols, however, and if, in
ignorance, you already showed them to someone you trusted, do not fear that you could no longer work with them. When starting out on this WAY, you will surely err every once in a while, that's the way it is. But your error will not be held against you as long as you are in your educational phase. But in some way it will be conveyed to you that you did err, so that you can avoid this error in the future. After that, If you should know better, you will be held fully responsible. And yet, you will ALWAYS be GUIDED with never-ending LOVE and UNDERSTANDING... It is like small children learning to walk. They often fall and get up again - this is the only way they can learn it! And the same goes when learning LIGHTWORK, and with LOVE-WORK as well! And you can always talk things over with GOD, with CHRIST or with your ANGEL in prayer. My warning therefore applies to the future. It is very important, because you will only learn to TRUST yourself when you do not always listen to others or think that others always know everything better or receive more truth. LEARN TO TRUST YOUR OWN PERCEPTIONS. Do not ask others or myself - but accept your symbol the way you RECEIVED it - IT IS YOUR VERY OWN GIFT! And maybe it works for you alone and not for others. And do not think that when you keep something SECRET, such as your own
symbol, this might be identical with the hidden, clandestine, secretive way of acting,
the characteristic of
darkness: The SECRET means PRESERVING
something worth protecting (= the POWER of the symbol);
or: If
you keep a Christmas-gift secret, you want to keep it secret so that the
presentee is surprised and full of JOY when he receives it! |
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Do not think that you may hurry through the LIGHT-Degrees! You should
not be disappointed if apparently 'nothing happens'. Do not be
impatient, do not try to rush through your LIGHT-Degrees! This would
only mean that you are not yet ready for the higher degrees! You
certainly will experience a more or less extended period of time where
you stay right there where you are! Now: Nothing else can hold you back as painfully as impatience and curiosity. I once had to go through this myself. Thus we are tested and measured to see where we are standing! Someday, though, you may get the III. LIGHT-DEGREE as a beautiful new step in your advancement. Now you will begin to LIVE more and more CONSCIOUSLY, and the CONTACT TO YOUR SPIRITUAL GUIDANCE may become more and more clear. Some people may be educated in channeling, others learn about their TASK in life; you may become clairvoyant; it could also be that you learn more about yourself, maybe you will RECOGNIZE, KNOW and SEE. But that, however, does not have to be the case! Do not compare with others! Each WAY is absolutely individual and cannot be compared with the WAY of others - that just causes discontent with yourself! You may sense that you already have changed a lot and may recognize many problems in human behaviour in a different way.
Possibly, you may also have a deeper insight into mental processes and may already be able to change things to the positive yourself. That need not be that way, however. Even if you do not sense or
experience anything, your beautiful advancement continues. It may now take a longer period of time before you are allowed to go on to the IV. LIGHT-DEGREE - and this goes for the further LIGHT-DEGREES as well. Presumably after the IV. LIGHT-DEGREE, according to my
experience, you will notice another change in your advancement: It is possible to receive twelve or even thirteen LIGHT-DEGREES while being incarnated here on earth. However, presumably this has so far been granted only to very few people - because their HEART itself decided it that way. I suppose that in the future there will be more and more people to reach this HEIGHT - as LIGHTWORK and UNCONDITIONAL LOVE will enable them to do so. Because with each further LIGHT-DEGREE you distinctly gain a further distance from the world of the "normal" people. This does not mean
that you become "odd" in any way - you can continue your job, your lifestyle, live with your family in an ever-growing harmony - nothing will prevent you from it. But many
things will no longer be interest you. A lot has changed in your
life by now, not only your eating habits or the renunciation of certain addictive habits. For example, from a certain time on I was no longer able to lead the common casual,
shallow conversations among colleagues or friends - it was no longer
possible! Now you will no longer hold on to other people, but let everyone go FREE - and thus your human relations will fundamentally show a NEW QUALITY. And the relationship within your family will harmonize in a special, HEART-touching way. AND BELIEVE ME: Maybe you no longer feel at ease in your rooms, you may want to bring in new colors, wear new clothes? Maybe you cannot stand black clothes anymore, as they give you a feeling of choking or a headache? Maybe you would like try out new activities, discover new abilities within yourself? Maybe you now finally have the COURAGE to try out your own hidden abilities? maybe you would like to change your relationships to others, your circumstances in life, your lifestyle? My own life changed in an increasingly dynamic way, especially after the VI. LIGHT-DEGREE. I practically "exchanged" my entire circle of friends and acquaintances, and I also changed apartments, moved again and again, over and over - and the DEAR PEOPLE whom I now started to meet and am still meeting, are of an infinitely touching Spiritual and HEART-widening DEPTH, because I now have another resonance and attract others. Do not fear the change: IT IS NOT POSSIBLE TO LOSE SOMEONE - ONLY TO WIN! And this is the most beautiful thing: Some time, from a certain state on, the old acquaintances will begin to return, and a new relationship between you will be possible, on a different, on a higher level, full of HARMONY, understanding and fulfilling JOY. |
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According to your own wishes, you will advance on the
PATH OF LIGHT and with it unfold yourself to your most wonderful SELF, to
your own BEAUTY, your own highest POTENTIAL. Exactly when you are ready for it,
you will receive the initiations into the LIGHT-DEGREES and step by step
also the necessary KNOWLEDGE. Maybe you will have new ideas,
intuitions or spontaneous KNOWLEDGE, whatever it is, your advancement will continue, the
"education" will be perfectly "custom-made" for yourself and your personal abilities and circumstances. You will also become
more and more CREATIVE and master your life more and more.
Do not expect everything at once, because the PATH would like to be taken at eactly the right TIME, with the JOY of INNER READINESS and leisure - and this includes all the time you need. Therefore leave all the impatience, all the curiosity, all the rushing behind, because they are the most effective "road blocks" on this PATH, and grant yourself this TIME. This is what it is there for. Particularly, you will block yourself if you think you already are "so far"... Learn HUMILITY to GOD, to LIFE - let your SERVICE TO GOD be your HEART'S INNERMOST WISH, your Highest JOY. Nothing is more beautiful for any soul. LIGHTWORK complements and harmonizes with the work with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE perfectly. Both together are the most BEAUTIFUL, the fastest and most effective PATH TO LIGHT. You need not hurry. I walk this path myself, therefore I know this. |
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Now at this time, everything around us is changing, is in upheaval! Since approximately June 2005, some aspects of LIGHTWORK also have changed, according to the will of GOD: I have been asked to give no further seminars after the IV. LIGHT-DEGREE, because after that everybody is being taught by GOD himself. This way, the IV. LIGHT-DEGREE is the last one which can be given to you by a human being, and everything else will happen through GOD himself. And I decided that after the IV. LIGHT-DEGREE, yearly meetings should take place for mutual exchange, further eduction and JOY of the LIGHTWORKERS. For that I offer a certain point in SPACE and TIME - at the time this is the beginning of May - where those concerned can participate or not, whichever they chose. I
also should not hurry to start the seminars on time,
because - whenever I start - that is exactly the right MOMENT IN TIME. GOD
does not want any hurry and rush. Everything is GOOD the way it happens, when it happens, where it happens.
And GOD said that all previous rules are no longer valid, that there are no more rules, that there is no dogma. And so I changed my seminar page accordingly, because I also took back my former resolution to make seminars elsewhere only with a minimum of 15 participants, because I KNEW in that very moment that this was a restriction that GOD did not tolerate! |
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I am
very grateful to my dear SISTER Nicole, who offered her knowledge and linguistic talents for the translation of this page from German to English. Thank you with all my HEART! |
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