The Vices of Mankind |
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the 7 Evils and the
Bonds of Mankind, I also had all the 'Vices of Mankind' in my aura,
to my great surprise, in the shape of large astral beings.
On January 13th, 2000 I was clearing myself intensively, when I noticed, that there was something moving everywhere in my body, and this phenomenon turned out to be a huge, black astral being in the shape of a snake, which finally went slowly into LIGHT. And as it seemed to be different than the 'usual' beings, I asked it for its name, and it said 'Discord'. Then, in the course of two days, came many more, but after the 17th I stopped asking and counting. In February 2002, many more of those creatures followed, later even more, and each time they were darker and heavier than those before (see below)! Now,
those vices that MEN are living as their characterictics,
are not existing in their aura in the shape of those beings I have described
above! In my case, they were symbols, personified
basic Principles, like the 'allegories' we know from
the statues in the parks of baroque or rococo castles (like the 'four seasons',
the 'plenty', often being shown as a beautiful woman with a horn of plenty,
the 'poetry' or 'music'), because in those times - as in ancient Greece
and Rome - it was very popular to show the personified, symbolic principles
in an ideal human shape.
am very grateful that I was able to learn this. Yet I was shocked to find
out what type of energies had been in my aura. Of course those energies
would eventually make you ill. Looking back, I wonder how I could have
lived with those beings inside of me and still walk upright on two legs,
but you see it is possible, and you can even be a nice, everyday person...
But I also know what kind of energies I had found inside of me in the course of my clearing process, from this present incarnation alone, without having any physical symptoms. And I am convinced that in case I had missed my ASSIGNMENT in this life, I would have had to go. That's the way it is: When the ASSIGNMENT is done, but also when it is missed, you must go. Your further sojourn on Earth would be irrelevant and worthless for your spiritual advancement. And that alone counts! My experiences made also clear to me, that my spiritual advancement alone was allowing me to proceed from one step to the next, thus continuing to live - and while learning and practising by clearing myself, my knowledge was increasing, my vibrations were increasing and my power was increasing. And only by those preconditions, I was able to reach the deeper planes and the still deeper planes of energy, and the even more deeper planes, those that needed exactly that power I had just achieved, to make them go... and so, step by step, I continuously achieved the power I needed for each step further, to finally clear and heal myself completely. This is the wonderful way we are guided... |
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the following vices came to LIGHT, all of them in the shape of snakes,
more or less large, some of them huge, in all shades from grey to black,
each of them a heavy, stifling burden, all of them with the potential to
cause desease - and I am also telling you where they had been hiding and
how I perceived them, before they went to LIGHT:
had been more vices in my aura as well, but I did not register their names.
So these names came to me afterwards and I knew I had to add them to my
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even that was not enough:
In the beginning of September 2003, I was working for a whole day with the most intensive LOVE I was capable of at that time - and at night I noticed that something was moving inside of me, everywhere, in my whole body, my whole aura - and for two days following, four huge, tenacious astral beings in the shape of black, heavy snakes moved slowly into LIGHT, and while they had to leave me, very resistantly, I felt their burning, biting hatred... They were: |
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I was very surprised, when I looked into a lexicon a short time later (Knaurs "Lexicon of Mythology", Gerhard J. Bellinger, Droemer Knaur Vlg.), "by chance" opening it on page 433, and read: 'San-Ch'ung' - in Chinese '3 worms': 'Chinese group of three spirits or demons, who are living in the centers of human vitality (head-, heart- and navel areas), causing desease. They want to keep MEN from being immortal. The first of the worms, in the head, causes blindness and deafness, makes teeth and hair fall out and plugs the nose, the second worm in the heart area causes heart desease, asthma and melancholy. The third worm in the navel area causes aches, but also rheumatism. Because the worms are feeding from grain, we should avoid grains or cereals completely'. These 'worms' correspond to the astral beings described above. Today, where MEN have mostly lost contact to Spirituality, a fourth 'San-Ch'ung' has joined them, 'destruction'... And
there was another surprise waiting for me:
at last there was another surprise:
But there were still Confusion and Panic (chaos and blackout of mind) waiting for me to free them - and by doing so I knew, that these were the first feelings a soul coming from above and incarnating on Earth for the first time, would feel... |
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I know, that I had all the Vices of Mankind in my aura - and even when
I was not conscious of them, many of them seemed to me quite familiar!
And today I know, that I had to learn about all kinds of human feelings
and experiences... and now, after my clearing is almost finished, I know
that those beings were drawn to me on resonance, because similar energies
had been in my own aura, even hatred - otherwise they could never have
come to me. They were hidden deep down, giving evidence of past sorrow,
pain and emotion. During this incarnation, I did not live these energies
in that utmost depth, but they were in me as potential possibilities. Now
that I have experienced them consciously, I can feel with people of a similar
disposition - I can feel with ALL people and understand them - because
that treasure of basic knowledge will stay in my soul forever.
GOD led all of those creatures into LIGHT, while I was symbolically acting as a representative for Mankind, with the deepest LOVE I was able to feel in my heart. Because of this, the energy of those 'vices' of MEN will be weakening continuously , until it will disappear one day. At the same time, HE created an energetic 'net pattern' accordingly, on a Higher Plane, making it easier for other people to follow my example and get rid of their vices consciously by purifying themselves energetically. |
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Vices contain neither LOVE nor warmth, they are icecold and dark (dark
grey to black).
ALL Vices derive from lack of LOVE, especially lack of LOVE for yourself. As
human characteristics, the vices will not appear in the way I have described
above. By that I am stating that YOU will not find the astral beings in
your aura in exactly that same way. Those beings I have described above,
were basic principles, symbolic personifications of the vices, that means
of certain ways of feeling and looking at the world. They are symbols of
energies created by MEN, created out of the coldness of their hearts. And
I had them in my aura, symbolically representing Mankind, meaning: in your
place, so that now I could help you to free yourself from them. Those beings
had been inside of me, because I once had agreed to help GOD TO HELP YOU!
have heard that some people were afraid of my pages about the vices and
the evils of Mankind. I do not want to frighten you - but of course those
energies are deeply frightening, especially when somebody thinks of himself
as a noble, helpful and good person...
Many 'esoteric' circles and most of the spiritual or 'esoteric' media do not mention anything disgustful and frightening - they would not want to frighten people and make them feel insecure. I am also conscious of the fact, that many wish the interested people to come back - and the people feel drawn to the soft and beautiful side of spirituality, because they want to escape the stress and demands of everyday life. The spiritual 'scene' is actually wading in beauty, softness, wellness, love and angelic music... and I mean that the frightful side is hardly known at all, because it usually does not appear until you have reached the deeper layers of your energy storage - and of course you must be able to perceive those energies. Maybe other people are spared these perceptions. I am not. And I am grateful for that. Because now I know what is inside of us and what causes desease and decay: The
cause are the energies we produced ourselves - they
erode our body.
The cause of every serious desease is a blockage and a being of darkness. |
in the course of my clearing process and by working with others, I have
found this to be true in every way. Only when those two factors, as well
as the formative power fields that are restraining us to our old patterns
of thinking and feeling are dissolved, a lasting healing process can happen...
And believe me, in my pages I have been very regardful with your feelings! Part of the immaterial energies I had cleared from myself and sent to LIGHT had been cavities or nests full of maggots and worms in my bones - and at the same time I KNEW that those beings were causing bone cancer; long, fat worms were leaving me - the variety of life is unlimited, on all planes of being. There are beings that are drawn to us because of the dark and stinking energies we have produced and stored in our aura. Yes, energies can stink. We are aware in our 3rd dimension, that flies and other insects are drawn by stinking substance and feed on it. The 4th dimension (the plane of our dark energies, of astral beings and darkness) is not any different. The stinking substances we produce ourselves are also drawing all kinds of living beings who live on them, but more than that, they also draw fungus spores, virus and bacteria, all of them inhabitants of both planes, the third and the fourth dimension, the visible and the invisible world... Other people were telling me, that they had perceived themselves being covered with masses of beetles, crawling all over their body - enough! Maybe the people have to learn how awful and disgusting their body and aura really can be, when they have turned away from LIGHT, worshipping nothing but the material things! I had the COGNITION, that in civilizations like ours, being totally centered in material thinking and acting, where people are heavily burdened with dark and disgusting energies, the outward cleanliness is considered to be of an extraordinary value: material cleanliness and hygiene of house and body, clean and beautiful clothes and physical perfection. Of course MAN always senses his inner darkness and decay, even if he could not make a point of it. That is why he is trying to hide his invisible blemishes with outside means, subconsciously thinking that others must be able to see his abominable faults. Look around - has there ever been a time with such an effort to keep our hair clean and shiny, our body smelling nicely, our fingernails perfect, our face looking like a doll's, our clothes neat and smart, our homes shiny like new...? People who are clean inside do not need all this. They do not smell ugly and have no smelly sweat either - and more than that, they have no interest in outward perfection. Look at little children - they smell of wind and sun, even when they have sweated. The tribes of people of 'primitive' races do not 'fight' dirt everywhere, they do not use masses of poisons to get their homes clinically clean, they do not kill any living being that dares enter their homes. They regard dust as a part of Mother EARTH that has to be respected like all of LIFE. The 'civilized' people of the now ending 'Old Age' are thinking that they are extremely cultured and educated, towering all the other fellow-humans by miles, with their perfectly styled homes, which are glowing and shining (you usually cannot see the energies in the furniture and walls), with bodies that are expensively dressed, beautifully cared for, intensively smelling of perfume, are trimmed and styled, disguised with make-up and perfected by surgeons... but they are only using their left side of the brain, believe only what they see and what can be measured, are mostly thinking of their own advantage, have a low self estimate (or the opposite), are full of agressiveness, are chasing money and physical pleasure, because they think that this is 'life', regard others as their competitors, opponents and enemies, talk badly about others and eat the meat of feeling, thinking and loving animals with great delight. Their belief is science. They are always out of breath because they are running away from themselves, let themselves be entertained and distracted for the same reason, are suffering from stress with all its symptoms and have lost the ability to relax. Widespread symptoms are depressions, fear of Life, back problems, heart desease, allergies, cancer, etc. I
myself think that cleanliness is important. But I regard it more as a symbolic
value: As within - so without. What I was talking about, are the exaggerations
of these times. I do not evaluate, but generalize and enlarge my view,
to bring it to a point, so you see what I mean. I can understand all the
other people, because I myself was one of them before, have loved to eat
meat - and I am far from judging others.
mirror can also be a distorting mirror. It shows us, how we are bending
and distorting us, to project a certain picture of us to the outside, a
picture we aim to resemble. But everybody who is capable of looking with
the heart, who is able to look behind the facade, will recognize at once
the truth behind it. We can polish the mirror, we can use an expensive
mirror - but be can never fool about the inside of us. It is looking out
of the
comes to our
with every spoken word, speaks to us with every movement of the body, and
of course through the aura, that we are sensing whenever we are coming
close to another person.
The outside deception may fool the spiritually blind - but take a good look: |
one day the people will die from the abominable black stinking masses of
energy they have heaped upon themselves. The Heavenly FATHER told me some
time ago, that there would not be as much destruction as is feared, but
instead new (and old) kinds of desease, epidemics and plagues. This will
mean the material end for many people, especially for those who were not
willing to find a new orientation in Spirituality, in LIGHT.
According to what I had found inside of me during my clearing process, there would have been many ways for me to leave this plane: energies of cancer in each part of my body, energies capable of destructing my brain throughout my whole head, energies capable of causing tumors, energies that partially paralysed me while leaving my body, forcing my head to turn in other directions, energies that made my head shake, parts of my body and the whole body, energies causing cramps in my whole body, energies that would have caused mental desease and confusion, energies that were like acid to the tissue of my body they were touching while leaving, causing instantanious inflammations, and there were many times I had to work against the clock - and I knew that an inner clock must have been ticking inside of me, giving the signal to start the destruction of my body at a certain moment in time, if I had taken another direction in life, if up to that time I had not succeeded to clear myself from those energies... |
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the following I am citing some excerpts from a wonderful book, the
"Essene Gospel of Peace", part of the Dead Sea Scrolls of Qumran by the
Dead Sea, translated by Dr. Edmond Bordeaux Székely, Verlag Bruno
Martin (This book, by the way, shows that Jesus must have had a profound
knowledge of LIGHTWORK):
... and Jesus said to the people:'You do not understand anymore the Words of Life, because you are in death. Darkness impairs your eyes, and your ears are plugged with deafness. I am telling you, that is does not help at all to brood over dead writings, when your actions negate each one of those who gave you those writings. Verily, I am telling you, that GOD and HIS LAWS are not found in your actions. They are not found in gluttony and drunkenness, nor in a dissolute life and in lust, nor in the search for riches, not in the hatred for your enemies. Because all those things derive from the realm of darkness and from the master of all evil. And you are carrying all those things within yourselves, and thus the WORD and the POWER of GOD cannot enter you, because all possible evils and abominations have taken over your body and mind. If you want the Living WORD of GOD and HIS POWER to enter you, do not blemish your body and your mind; because the body is the temple of the mind, and the mind is the temple of GOD. So start to clean the temple...' Jesus
then told them how to clean themselves: by daily prayers to GOD, by giving
themselves into the hands of the Angels of Mother EARTH (the Angels of
the sunshine, the air, the earth and the water, the Angels of Life and
JOY), and by taking nothing to them but clear water,
and also to make a daily enema with clear water to clean their intestines,
and to pray while doing so, and this would be the way that within seven
days their sins of seven years will be forgiven...
when they were clean after seven days, Jesus returned to them, and they
said:'Tell us, which are the sins we should avoid, so we would never be
sick anymore?' And Jesus answered:'They were told in the old times, 'You
shall honor your Heavenly Father and your Earthly Mother and keep their
commandments, so that you shall have a long life on Earth.' And the next
commandment was, 'You shall not kill,' because life comes from GOD alone,
and what GOD has given, no man shall take away. For verily, I am telling
you, from one Mother is everything living on Earth. So everyone who kills,
is killing his brother. And the Earthly Mother will turn away from him
and refuse him her life-giving breasts. And Her Angels will avoid him and
Satan will enter his body. And the meat of the slaughtered animals will
turn into his own grave within his body. For verily I am telling you, that
whoever kills, is killing himself, and whoever is eating from the meat
of slain animals, is eating from the body of death. Because every drop
of their blood will turn into poison in his own blood, their breath will
turn into stench in his breath, their meat into boils, their bones into
calcium in his bones, their intestines into decay in his intestines, their
ears into a waxen covering in his ears. And their death will be his death.
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had always thought before, that those words of Jesus cited above, were
meant more or less symbolically. Today, after many years of experience
with LIGHTWORK and Unconditional LOVE, I know that the words of Jesus as
well as the drastic descriptions are absolute TRUTH. Some of the descriptions
of the clearing process, mention happenings in the 4th dimension (in the
translation of the way the people were talking at that time). These things
are ususally invisible to most of us, but nevertheless real. And what you
can read here, is just as important to us now than it was then. More so,
because today there are uncounted self-produced poisons in our environment
and in our food, and more often than not, our food is manipulated and contains
hardly any power of life, but many artificial additions, which are actually
emptiness or even harmful and restricting for us, without anybody knowing
it! Some day, the people will feel those and the other invisible evils
in their bodies, get sick and probably die from them, too. But Jesus had
shown us the way 2000 years ago.
the beginning of the Nineties, those Words of Jesus had been the impetus
for myself to clear me just the same way, to make me turn back, to have
my errors forgiven, to change myself, to give GOD a sign, that I had the
wish to change my life and to live spirituality. In the following, I was
fasting several times, and I was feeling great while doing so. This was
the beginning of my vegetarian way of life, which I reached step by step.
I needed those drastic descriptions, so I could come out of my inertia
and make a step towards a complete change.
they showed how the animals were brought to the slaughtering in the assembly
line, and they said that not each of the animals was properly stunned or
killed, and that it would happen every once in a while that some pigs would
be thrown into boiling water while still alive... What else do we have
to see, hear and read, so that our hearts could be touched?
By the way, not a single time during my Clearing I was disgusted or scared by the beings I saw and felt, but only astounded in AWE and HUMILITY because of the unbelievable variety of life forms... and LOVED it all. Also the dark beings want to be LOVED - because nothing but Unconditional LOVE is able to redeem them and send them into LIGHT, and then they are willing to go, all by themselves. WE ourselves had called them once, keeping and nourishing them with our dark thoughts and feelings, which gave them the resonance that they needed to stay. If we resist them, we cause them to resist, too, and that is something they know well - and we, too: It is pain. Your fear is caused by ignorance. I want to inform you about the reality beyond our physical perception. You can only protect yourselves, when you know what exactly is going on. And I want to help you to protect yourselves, but more than that, to free yourselves. That is why - besides information - I am also giving you instructions of how to free yourselves from those frightening and sickening energies. I am also showing you how to feel Unconditional LOVE and make it a part of our lives - you will think afterwards that you have not lived before that - and you are perfectly right. I myself did not live at all before I was living in Unconditional LOVE! When you are in Unconditional LOVE, there is no room for fear, for fright or disgust... |
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Easter Monday 2002, I was shown and taught, that there are formative power
in our aura, made by darkness, to lead us into habits and false convictions.
Those power fields are causing binding repetitional patterns, the clinging
to certain structures of thinking and feeling. They also change and distort
our perception of reality.
At the same time I knew that those field structures are causing the human, misunderstood love, the 7 Evils of Mankind, all the vices of Mankind, as well as addiction. I also sent them into LIGHT while consciously acting for Mankind, thus having symbolically achieved that Mankind overcomes these ties and frees itself! And on Good Friday 2003, lots of black snakes were coming out of my chakras: the 7 Bonds of Mankind (= better known as the seven mortal 'sins'), whom GOD also sent into LIGHT, while I was standing symbolically for all of Mankind... |
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