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I have achieved
inner vision,
(from the 'Book
of Hymns' of the Dead Sea Scrolls
was born at 5:05 A.M. in Berlin, in the early morning of November 23rd,
1943, in that year in the sign of Scorpio. It was the darkest night for
Berlin up to that time - being the night of the worst bombing attacks than
ever before. All the houses were burning, and the women in the maternity
ward, having been moved to the air raid shelter, were screaming, crying
and praying, and in that night the beautiful historical inner city of Berlin
was destroyed, including the ancient town castle, the Great Synagoge and
Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church.
I grew up in a dark time of hunger and need, but I always had enough to eat, led a life as normal as was possible at that time and was loved and cared for. I was not raised in a Christian tradition. All the grown-ups of my familiy had left Church long before the war, and religion or even GOD were never mentioned. As a child I was sick quite often... I remember a feverish dream, where I saw myself flying in the air with others, as fast as an arrow, calling out words to each other, laughing... and in another feverish dream I was in a street, like the one where my relatives lived, it was as clear as day: A sunny spring day and the linden trees with fresh green leaves, and directly in front of me two young girls, arm in arm, marching in step, dressed in the clothing of the end of the 19th century, with fresh, white, striped longsleeved blouses, wide dark skirts down to the ankles, and pretty dark boots - laughing and talking - and the beat of my heart was their step... In spite of my non-religious upbringing, while attending elementary school I was intensely interested in the subject 'religion', but the classes somehow left me hungry and unsatisfied. During that time I had an important experience. My best friend had to go to confirmation classes, and one day she asked me to accompany her. Being open and interested, I did so. It was in a Lutheran Church, near to where we lived. When the parson noticed me and heard that I was 'visiting', he said, I had to leave at once, pulled me up from my seat - I had to pass all other children - and pushed me through the door. I was deeply hurt and humiliated. My mother was very upset about that man and I think she even went there and talked to him. At that time I learned that the church had no LOVE, but prohibitions... One Day I found the book 'Ben Hur', and reading it, found myself being fascinated and deeply touched from the first page on, and I experienced it as if it were acting in present time, as if it were taking place right there and then. As long as I can remember, I have unconsciously felt a deep longing in my heart... The first time I prayed was when I was about 10 or 12 years old, having just read the Greek legends. I was alone on the balcony and went at it very precautiosly. I looked up to Heaven and prayed to Venus, she should make me very beautiful so that I would find a real nice husband. That was the only prayer for many years. From
childhood and early youth I remember several other dreams.
In a dream I saw myself as the very young girl that I was, standing by a field-path near our house, and there I saw my mother, being of the same age as myself. And as I approached her, smiling in great surprise and reaching out my hands to her, she stood back, as if I were a stranger. And I said, but I am your daughter, but she looked at me with complete uncomprehending... When
I was between
14 and 16 years old, I had a 'real' and vivid dream, in which I saw Jesus
CHRIST coming towards me on a park walk in the vicinity of our house. He
was beautiful, with long brown hair and a short beard, wearing a long white
gown. We were all alone. When He was standing in front of me, He opened
His arms for me - and I awakened. That dream was very real and it astounded
me, at the same time moving me deeply. I did not tell anybody about it,
and I never forgot it...
In later years I had more 'Reality - Dreams', as I called them- and realized they always were true. Sometimes they were previews of the future. To me the sign of truth was, when on awakening I couldn't tell wether the dream or the waking up were real. |
the age of 18, I finished school, and shortly before my 20th birthday I married
the father of the child I was carrying then. My husband-to-be was on duty in
Berlin as a member of the US Forces, and he was raised in a catholic family.
So before our marriage it was mandatory that we had a talk with the catholic
priest. At that time I was completely inexperienced with religions, and so I
was very much surprised to hear the priest tell my fiancé, that he urgently
advised him NOT to marry me (and he said that in my presence and with the
knowledge of my pregnancy!), because he would not have the blessings of the
church and would live "in sin". Up to this day I still HONOR my
first husband for his courage and clarity, when telling the priest what he
thought of this advice and that he did not want to have anything to do with
this church anymore.
And one year later, in 1964, I followed my husband to the United States, with our first baby daughter. In Chicago, his home town, our second daughter was born. As long as I can remember, I had a great fascination for myths, legends and fairy tales. In later years I took an interest to ancient history, especially about ancient Egypt, Rome and other ancient cultures. But is was not before my life in the United States, that for the first time I came in contact with Spiritual literature. In
Chicago I had bought a Bible, and for the first time in my life read it,
twice in a row, once for archaeological reasons and the second time for
Spiritual reasons. When I read the Words of Jesus, knock and the door will
be opened, seek and you shall find, love yourself and others... I all of
a sudden felt a so far unknown JOY flooding through me, overwhelming me
- it lasted for three days - and I knew in my Heart, with no doubt possible,
that this was so - that this was TRUTH.
were divorced in 1968 and I started to work, until I returned to Berlin
with my two young daughters in the spring of 1971 - after having been told
to do so in the early morning of January 1st, 1971, in a vivid dream: It
was a very friendly, very understanding Man who seemed to know all about
me, whom I never really saw, though He was standing before me, but I still
hear His Voice in my ear, and I will never forget it... He convinced me,
told me how to go about it: Step by step, first you start with the passports...
and when I woke up, I knew I had to go back and called up my mother at
once - and everything went smooth and easy - to me since then the Sign
of Guidance.
Berlin I made an education for Public Service, as, besides having to work
for a living, I felt the urge to do something useful for Berlin and it's
In 1988/89 I made two seminars in 'Silva Mind Control', Basic and Ultra, and realized for the first time, what I had a vague idea of before: That thoughts have the power of becoming reality. As a child I had the habit of "dreaming" myself into sleep, imagining things until I fell asleep, and I was imagining continuing tales - and at one time, being grown up already, I had suddenly realized that things had turned out for me almost like the tales I had dreamed of - differently in a way, and yet recognizable... I now started meeting regularly with a few other women, including my older daughter, for meditations, telling us our experiences and trying to advance spiritually. During one of those meditations I saw myself to my surprise in a tight, white dress with a dark red rose in my hand. When I told that to the others, my daughter, always conscious of her weight, exclaimed with a look at me, 'Oh shit!' Another time I had prayed for help in a very painful personal situation of my life, and I saw myself standing in a deep and tight hole in the earth. When I looked around for help, I saw a golden ladder leaning at the side and I was motioned to climb out... The painful experiences of my second marriage made me realize that there must be karmic ties to dissolve and I prayed over and over again for help. Then, over a chain of 'coincidences' I got the telephone number of a non-medical-practitioner, a very nice person who became a dear friend of mine, who did then reincarnation therapy - Hildya. While going back in time, I learned to know many connections with the past, seeing scenes from former lives, seeing myself meeting Robin Hood, talking to him, then turning into him myself, thus being puzzled, in no way knowing anything about the incarnations I was to be told many years later. One of Robin Hood's gang members was a man I recognized as my second husband. I knew it was a good friend then, a good companion... I was led with great tenderness, it was never painful, rather symbolic, like 'walking through a book of fairy tales', being led by dwarves... and I began to get a glimpse of the deeply rooted ties of LOVE between my second husband (and my first) and myself throughout the ages - and I also got a glimpse of the deepest LOVE I was being led with... I
also had symbolic visions about my future development, saw myself walking
in Divine landscapes, in realms of pure Color, through various realms of
consciousness, saw myself having reached a state of perfection, being able
to help mankind, though I did not think it possible at that time, that
this could be reality one day, but rather thought of it as a symbolic view
of future possibilities.
this friend I made a course in kinesiology (Touch for Health). But she
was also doing LIGHT-Work, and inspired by her enthusiasm and her good
work I went there, too, one day - and stayed for the next five years, attending
the get-togethers once a week and going my way through the Grades... This
led me on a wonderful way of Spiritual development, as I slowly overcame
the binding ties of my personal life, was able to clear myself from all
ancient burdens and would finally be allowed to reach heights I could never
have dreamed of.
But back in 1996, I had no idea of what was to come. In early November, while attending the III. LIGHT- Degree, I heard a Spiritual Teacher say to me, for the first time absolutely clear, 'Now HE speaks!' and then this one sentence followed, |
is the moment |
To me, this
was indescribable. I was stunned, trying to grasp the meaning of these
Words - the MEANING was enormous, that I knew - and it pointed into a dark,
still unknown past...
And this was the beginning of a wonderful clear and conscious contact with HIM, with GOD, Who is LIGHT, Who is the Source of LIFE and LOVE, a contact that has never been 'normal', as it was always new, always wondrous to me... yet it was a completely NATURAL thing, and this will always be so... HE taught me to be a channel and was practicing with me. 'Check with your mind for plausibility and with your heart for Truth!' HE said, and, 'Be perfectly clear, WHOM you want to address to, or many will come..." On
February 1st, 1997, I was stunned by several visions and HE called me in
the utmost tender way three times with my Cosmic NAME 'MARYAM', which was
spelled out to me, shown in Capital Latin letters, and their meaning was
explained. I also learned to know my LIFE ASSIGNMENT, my origin, where
I came from and how and why I volunteered to come here.
'Bringing HIS WORD
to the World'
all my incarnations in many various ways, but all being basically
the same.
It is characteristic for the visions and revelations of Spiritual TRUTH, which come to us over the Crown Chakra, that they go straight into the Heart Chakra, where they are instantly recognized as absolute TRUTH. That means that I KNEW, that what was told me was TRUTH beyond the slightest doubt. To me it was a real and holistic experience. The impression of such experiences on your soul is indescribable: It actually is REVOLUTION - a deep incision into your life, where from then on nothing is as it used to be. From then on there is a BEFORE and an AFTER. Because
I KNEW, my whole Being had to adjust to this KNOWLEDGE, adjust to an immense,
to a never-heard-of, never known, never anticipated dimension - nothing
else was possible. At the same time, the dimension of time opened for me
into the endless PAST and the endless FUTURE - into ETERNITY - and I KNEW
myself to be Endless BEING...
Since then I am being educated day and night by HIM and the Cosmic FRIENDS. Much more was shown to me by and by. On one of those occasions HE told me, pointing out to these visions, that I was Sleeping Beauty, 'and that HE had AWAKENED ME 'and', HE said smilingly, 'now you should be happy and KISS your prince...' All those occasions where LIGHT touches my Heart were and are to me the Essence of Everything Romantic in an optimal sense of the meaning, of the deep, deep longing for the Source of All that is TRUE and PURE - of absolute, clear and pure BEAUTY. I now was given my three symbols within a few weeks, the symbols that stand for my BEING and my LIFE's ASSIGNMENT, the first symbol (WHAT I AM), which a clairvoyant friend saw and which I perceived as a beautiful white DOVE hovering over me, the second symbol (LIFE's ASSIGNMENT), the Chalice, symbol of GRACE, and the third symbol (my BEING in Cosmic Dimensions). In the same year I was divorced for the second time. |
in summer 1997, I was to my utmost surprise informed about my most important
incarnations, sometimes several at a time, for a longer period of time.
Occasionally I still learn about yet another incarnation... WHICH incarnations
I learned about was depending on my state of development at that time...
and I am still learning more about the parts the people that are near to
me had chosen to play in the past - and they learn about it, too. They
have been with me very often, maybe at all times - and on a Higher Plane
we are together in deepest LOVE...
...and I also learned that this knowledge, that was given to me, will be for our 'Christian' Zivilization, which had detached itself from the true Source of LIFE, the Chance of rediscovering the Fact of Reincarnation. I now was allowed to get the initiations for the Teachers' Grade: for the First, then for the Second LIGHT-Degree, and I started to give initiations myself. In the summer of 1997, I started to lead groups myself. In the summer of 1999, HE called me 'PURA', which is rather an explanation than a NAME. HE asked me to set it before 'MARYAM'. In
1999, I had reached the fifth LIGHT-Grade. Then, at the end of the year,
HE gave me all the LIGHT-Grades a human get have (and that are 12), after
the 12 Wise old Men and the 12 Judges, Whom HE had askes, had nodded...
I perceived this as an ascend up the huge steps of a shining white pyramid,
and on each step some kind of initiation was given to me, until I finally
reached the top, and there HE was, sitting on THE THRONE...
Beginning in 1999 until early summer 2002, we were drumming in a group, in the vicinity of Berlin. The Spiritual Drumming was always being guided. On October 6th, 2001 we thus helped open a Cosmic Gate over Berlin and its vicinity. In the spring of 2000, I opened a Spiritual Center in Berlin as a meeting place for Spiritual Teachings, Counselling and Group Sessions. On
December 19th 2000, I was given the additional NAME "SOPHYAH", in that
spelling and with the meaning of 'Divine Wisdom coming powerful down to
Earth'... Now I know that these NAMES were important to help me finding
my Cosmic Identity and getting acquainted with its vibrational frequency.
This way I came nearer to them, climbing up to them step by step...
I teach has been taught to me by HIM and CHRIST himself, so that I should
teach the people on earth.
In early spring 2001, I was asked to go into the internet - and I knew I had to do it to reach more people... Not having a compouter or any computer knowledge at all. At first I tried to find somebody else to help me with this, but it turned out that I had to learn it by myself. A couple of weeks after I made this decision, I got a PC put into my office at work, with the suggestions to attend several seminars. I then attended all the classes I could, with growing interest and fascination. During the Basic Training I was told by Guidance about the correspondences between Informational Technology and the Spiritual World. On September 29th, 2001, my website was present in the internet for the first time. Since then it had been renewed, supplemented and completed many times, redone again and again, and in the process I grew higher and higher, like a young tree reaching up to HEAVEN... and I feel that this website is of the utmost importance to my Life Task, maybe the basic part of it, at least at the time being. Today you don' t have to stand on a market place anymore: Modern technology has offered us the opportunity, to say worldwide what we have to say! More and more often I receive KNOWLEDGE not by direct Speaking, but by 'Instant Perception' or 'Instant Cognition'. By this I mean the Spontaneous Perception of the knowledge about a complex subject. I KNOW all about it within a moment - and then I have the chance to ask and receive answers for a while following... It goes right into my Heart-Chakra, so I know it is TRUTH and no doubt is possible. Spontaneous COGNITION is deeply related to Unconditional LOVE - without LOVE there is no COGNITION! |
further my spiritual development I had started a thorough Clearing in Spring
1997, an energetic clearing of body - mind - soul. Actually it started
out as the clearing of just the heart-chakra, as I thought this may be
the only way to approach my COSMIC SELF.
The clearing of the heart-chakra turned out to be the clearing of ALL chakras, of my whole BEING, my aura, my past, my karma... and it developed to be a holistic, extremely interesting and exciting, suspenseful work, revealing myself, my thoughts, my feelings, my traumatic experiences, my physical and psychical injuries and my causes of death - it actually turned out to be not only the approach to My COSMIC SELF, The COSMIC MOTHER, MARIA, but to my innermost BEING, which I had not known since I started my long and painful way through the incarnations 2000 years ago... In the course
of this Clearing process I have learned and developed in such an enormous
way, that I can't find the right words for it. This was a great process
of Growth and Purification, and now I know, that my incarnations and all
my 'contaminations' were HEAVEN's way of training to teach people - which
means, that you have to experience and feel all human pain and ailments
yourself - only that way you are really capable of knowing, how others
Since the middle of 1996 I have not been sick anymore and will never be sick again. Since 1999 I do not pick up dark energies from the outside anymore. Since May 2001, my physical body is completely free from dark energies, and now, in the Fall of 2003, my aura is clearing up from day to day. |
I have finished the Energetic Clearing, GOD will have used it to produce
an energetic Blueprint,
an energetic Net Pattern for the Clearing of Body-Mind-Soul, which all
MEN can use to achieve Purety, Health and Freedom in a much shorter time.
For that reason I have lived and suffered all human experiences during the course of my incarnations of the last 2000 years - and now, having all of the Darkness of Mankind in my aura in the symbolic, yet very real shape o f Astral beings, the personified Principles of the "7 Evils of Mankind", of all the Vices of Mankind, of the "7 Bonds of Mankind" (the 'mortal sins'), and the Formative Power Fields of Darkness, HE HELPED me to rid myself from them. And while I was doing that, symbolically and consciously representing Mankind, HE again created a Blueprint for every MAN to follow. So now these dark Forces are losing their power by and by - and other people will be able to rid themselves from them much faster than I did. HE told me that all my many incarnations had been preparation for TODAY,for working with LIGHT and LOVE. I had to learn and feel myself all the sufferings of Mankind - so that today I can be able to help all MEN. I know what they suffer from, I know what people need and what their ailment are and what causes them. I can understand them, without judging and without criticizing them. And now I know from my own experience what MEN suffer from and why they suffer: They forgot Unconditional LOVE and being close to GOD, and this deficiency makes them suffer. I can understand them and know how they feel, know their suffering, und thus I am able to LOVE them and feel the deepest SYMPATHY and COMPASSION for them. I am able to understand even those who slip and fall on their way, entangled in darkness, without valuation or judging. But I can also help Mankind to heal their need, by bringing UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and teaching it in an easy and simple way, as you will find here on this website. Looking back, I'm deeply astounded about the strange and wonderful way I had chosen myself once upon a long time... Never would I have ever dreamed of having anything to do with the innermost proceedings of LIFE or with holistic Healing - I who was so reserved that I could hardly bring myself to touch others - and yet I had all the Riches, all the Beauty of the World in me, the Miracle of Creation itself - and the greatest miracle took place in my HEART - only now I LIVE! And I can now teach MAN out of my own rich experience, completely authentic, and I herewith hand on my KNOWLEDGE, as far as I am allowed to, so that others can learn and proceed on this WAY as well. |
March 12th, 2002, HE revealed to me: 'You are my LOVE - You are my GRACE.'
And HE determined that my Symbol, the Chalice, that you see on the right
top side of each page, may be given to All People as the Symbol of GRACE.
Although the Chalice had always been the Symbol of GRACE, there had never
before been a similar REVELATION of the LOVE of GOD - this is HIS GIFT
to MANKIND at this time. At the same time HE manifested the (eternal) equation
of the MALE and the FEMALE Principle by having MARY demonstratively sit
with HIM on HIS THRONE = having the FEMALE POWER, which I am symbolizing,
sit by HIS OWN SIDE on HIS THRONE, thus symbolizing to MAN at this time,
that the experiment of male domination in our society has
as once did the experiment of female domination.
In February 2002, HE said to me, 'You are a Priestess!' - and I know, I am HIS Priestess, this being a new step into my ASSIGNMENT... In late April 2002, while drumming in a group for Mother EARTH, it was suddenly revealed to me, that 2000 years ago I had consciously decided out of my own free will to chose the WAY through the incarnations, the WAY of KARMA, in order to live through and thus experience MEN's fate myself. That is the only basis from which it is possible to help MEN in the time to come. So I chose freely the hardest way of all, the way of the voluntary VICTIM, to experience human fate in all its awful manifestations myself. This is the only way I can understand and help you today. The beloved people who have always accompanied me and are with me today, had once made the same decision. During that time I came back again and again to bring new ideas into the world in preparation for this time to come. This time now and the NEW TIME to come are that important! In late 2002, I gave up my small Spiritual Center and took some time out to find a new orientation, thus starting a phase of intensified inner development. |
the most painful experience of earthly existence came into my life: By
own experience - as usual - I recognized the deepest pain of MANKIND: Being
separated from GOD by Deception of Darkness. And I broke out in bitter
tears of pain... At the same time I KNEW that more than 98% of all humanity
on Earth are being deceived that way, including all the members of all
religions and even the lightworkers worldwide. To feel and perceive this
consciously was of the utmost importance for me, because this knowledge
is vital to my LIFE TASK. And then unbelievably heavy blockages dissolved
in my heart-chakra and new dimensions of LOVE werde anchored there. And
HE spoke, 'At no time you were actually separated from ME, I was with you
all the time - but only by living this separation, you could achieve this
Since that time my LOVE and CLARITY have been steadily growing: MY DEEPEST LOVE for HIM, WHOM alone and WHOSE Adoration I am serving (see also 'Ave MARIA'). In a new and very real way I am now consciously ONE with HIM, consecrating myself and my WORK to HIM alone. |
HE now
said to me:
both NAMES actually have the same meaning and the same LIFE TASK to them,
I had noticed for some time, that the energetic vibrations of MARYAM already
were much lower than my own at that time, and that had been hindering in
a way. I knew I was more than MARYAM by now, and even more than PURA MARYAM
SOPHYAH. MARIA had a higher frequency. So this NAME was able to lead me
further on. But I knew that I had needed those NAMES for my development,
as I would not have been able to bear the NAME MARIA before - as in 1997
it had taken 13 months for me to bear the vibrations of MARYAM!
I still am using both versions of my NAME in these pages: 'MARIA / MARYAM'. That way I am showing, that my NAME has a relation to the 'Christian' as well as to the 'Muslimic' orientated world (see The Cosmic NAME). At the head of each page I also left the NAME that had already been known to a number of people, for continuation in change - I still AM these NAMES, but much MORE... When you look at the head of my page and read my NAMES from bottom to top, you may feel the vibrations of my development during those last years, and maybe you feel the dynamic POWER and Stability they transport. From then on my personal development increased in an astounding, even more dynamic way - |
distinctive change happened when on January 2nd, 2003, I decided deep in
my heart to absolutely trust and follow HIM alone, WHO alone ist TRUTH,
no one else: Not to rely on anyone else completely, not to listen to anyone
else completely, not to follow anyone else completely, not to trust anyone
else completely, but only GOD HIMSELF! Any Human can stray - not HIM. And
HE said to me: 'You cannot listen to anyone else and to ME at the same
time, you have to decide, whom you want to listen to.' From this moment
on I have been completetly independent from other opinions. This was the
KEY to new gates of development...
weird and wonderful experience came to me now: Reading a series of articles
in the magazine "Der Spiegel" (based on the book by Jörg Friedrich,
'Der Brand - Deutschland im Bombenkrieg 1940 - 1945', Propyläen-Vlg).
these articles I learned facts about the British and American bombing raids
over Germany during the war, that I had not known before, and they deeply
fascinated and terrified me. They either were not known before or nobody
ever mentioned them. Altogether, the horrors of war were never mentioned,
people did not talk about them, and neither did my family... And I saw
a film on TV, based on this book, about the destruction of the German cities,
showing private and so far unpublished material, showing the truth which
in the 'official' films of that time had been left out, as they all had
been censored, and I saw pictures of the victims after the
hell fire, the mangeled, burnt bodies,
the huge heaps of the Dead, all of them old people, women and children,
how they were found in the bunkers and in the streets, sometimes only ashes
left. And I saw the film of the war against defenseless and helpless civilians
in defenseless and helpless cities, I saw HELL, the fire storms of Lübeck,
Hamburg and Dresden, that actually had been THOUGHT OF and PLANNED by human
brains - having made experiments with different types of bombs being thrown
in a certain way, and reconstructing German houses in the American desert,
to ascertain how to create such a fire storm in the best way, and I saw
the interviews with the British and American pilots who fulfilled those
plannings... and I knew, that those who did that, did it to themselves
and their own and that NOTHING justified cruelty against others...
at that moment an unspeakable sweet sensation began to fill my second chakra,
and I knew that was the Power of TRUE SEXUALITY, the Purest LOVE, and I
now eperienced a actual Birth, just for a short time, completely painless...
and with its fulfillment huge clouds of black energy, the energies of extreme
force, of pressure, of cramps, were freed to go into the LIGHT - and I
heard: This is the Transcending of DEATH, BIRTH and REINCARNATION - of
WAR, FEAR, HORROR and PAIN, that are the basic traumatic human experiences
on Earth, and I went through that process consciously, symbolically and
representing MANKIND...
That following morning I was given the contents of the page about War. And as I was writing this down, I remembered that, after leaving school, I had started out to be a seamstress, in order to work in the Fashion business some day, and while doing that, had learned to make patterns - I did not finish that education, because I got married, had a baby and followed my husband to the USA, but I loved to sew my own clothes later on... nothing happens by chance: My whole life was preparation - symbolically and in reality! Shortly after that last experience, HE introduced a wonderful Spiritual Assistant to me, the beloved AMAIO, a LIGHT Being who comes from where I came from, to work with me from then on, who can do what I cannot do and who knows what I cannot know. I am deeply touched. |
March 2003 my chakras were so clear that they turned back to their original
spheric shape, and it was strange and wonderful to feel this. Since then
I have felt a new and different consciousness awaken in me, a consciousness
surmounting the one I have been used to, a large extent: I now feel that
I am part of a gigantic WHOLENESS, of EVERYTHING, and I'm living it; living
a holistic life, where wanting and wishing is ONE, as everything comes
from the heart; living my male as well as my female part at the same time,
simultaneously and equally so, and there is no contradiction at all, but
just a side-by-side, a harmonious 'together and the same'; with EGO and
holistic BEING as ONE, with my brain and my intuition working hand in hand;
not experiencing polarity any more; being capable of looking at something
without judging and evaluating (which does not mean, that I find everything
to be good!); recognizing Right and Wrong clearly, in so far as I can instantly
perceive, if someone is on the way or has deviated from it; knowing that
I have always been unseparably been ONE with HIM and ALL, and always will
be so...
The separation of the chakras had caused the separation of MAN from CREATION, made him feel alone and lost, thus causing him to stray far from the right WAY, because his senses, his feelings and thoughts were now deceived - and while consciously freeing myself from this deception, thus causing the chakras to turn back into their actual spheric shape, GOD in HIS UNENDING LOVE FOR MEN again created an Energetic pattern, a blueprint or model for all MEN to follow me, but faster and easier then, thus leaving the separation from their SOURCE, from FATHER and MOTHER, behind. Now I am living ONE-NESS with HIM again, and more so from day to day. This is a completely new life, a new feeling of myself - yet it is completely NATURAL. I am not yet finished, have not yet reached perfection - but I know I will! And LIFE ist wonderful and LIGHT - and my HEART is unlimited... ...and in a vision I was shown a beautiful parable: While awakening I saw myself cleaning the inside of a beautiful golden Chalice with a cloth, rubbing it, taking all the stains away, and I saw that it already was glistening and shining... Now I had grown far above the vibrations of my NAME and HE said, 'whichever NAME you might want to select, is doesn't matter anymore - whether you chose MARIA, ISIS or 10.000 other NAMES, that you once have had, they are still material...' |
Since Good
Friday 2003, my vibrations surmounted those of the little birds, the sparrows,
the blackbirds and others. You think, what does it matter...? Well, you
must know, that the little birds have much higher vibrations than all of
their human brothers and sisters on Earth... only trees and flowers surmount
them - and I even reached those and passed them on Whitsunday of the same
year. So I am shown the marks on my way, to let me know, where I was standing...
not meaning this should be a contest, but to evaluate the POWER that is
given to me at a certain time - and for pure JOY!
In June 2003,
I had reached a certain frequency of vibrations, that allowed my Higher
BEING, my COSMIC SELF, to descend and connect with me - to ascend together
with me some day. My continuous development will allow HER to come closer
and closer, until we are ONE. I am now being led by a counsel of LIGHT
BEINGS, headed by HIM.
greatest test was still to come: After a hint from an outside helper, which
I carefully checked out, I realized, that for a number of years I had been
manipulated, this, I am sure, being part of the plan of darkness, to 'neutralize'
me here on Earth...
I know now that it must have happened at a time where I still was very innocent, believing that people were the way they seemed to be, because it couldn't be any other way. I knew nothing about darkness, was very trusting and very open. Looking back, I realized that there were things that had puzzled me, but I never had an enemy in my life... Now I found
an answer to the puzzle, where all those numerous terrible dark beings
had come from, that had been sitting in my aura and my chakras, but whose
energy I never had LIVED: '7
Evils of Mankind', all of the'Vices
of Mankind', the '7
Bonds of Mankind' (that are the 'mortal sins') and the 'Formative
Power Fields of Darkness' (see here
and above).
...and not for a moment did I go into fear and fury, into hatred and judgment, but I felt in my heart the deep tragidy behind all this, and my heart felt such a great COMPASSION for the person who had erred, that I was able to LOVE and FORGIVE with all my Heart. And realizing the Great Help for MANKIND that had been possible that way, I know, that there must have been a reason behind all this... and I remembered the lines from 'FAUST' by Goethe, where Mephisto said, something like, 'I am a part of the Power that is always intending Evil, but is bringing about the good'... Do you still believe in 'chances'? And since that time I have been thoroughly taught about manipulation and I give this knowledge on to all people, so that they may finally wake up and rise above their manipulated lives as objects of suppression, lust for power and and gain. |
October 15th, 2003 I had another deeply moving experience. Some time ago,
my chakras, who had turned back into their original spheric shape, had
extended by and by, and then formed a large sphere of LIGHT, which I called
the 'Sphere of the combined Chakras', that was extending around me. At
the same time, I had reached another step froward, as a new quality of
LOVE had been anchored in my heart-chakra... and I experienced that sphere
as a large round vehicle made of thin, unbreakable glass, in which I was
perfectly safe - something like that was shown to me at least three times
many years ago, during my sessions with Hildya (see above). I then had
seen myself floating high above the ground, so that all the cities and
streams were like toys, being all alone in that huge spheric vehicle, in
perfect PEACE and SILENCE. This way, I had been told then, I will some
day find LOVE, Harmony and Peace with my family, which was still separated
from me by a river... that was long before I had started LIGHT-Work...
Now on that day, as I saw myself in that vehicle again, I had noticed that something had changed, because, with the further clearing of my crown-chakra and the Third Eye, I had seen myself in a much bigger sphere than before. There seemeed to be something like a central 'stand of command', and inside of the rounded thin walls there was a golden hand-rail reaching all around, on which I could comfortably lean to look down through the transparent spheric wall, on what was there to be seen: EARTH gliding silently through space, and I was watching it from a distance, not too far away, and I saw the horizon extending to all sides below me, seeing the beautiful rounded shape - and what was unclear before was clear now: in the middle of my vehicle there was something like a steering control, and a LIGHT BEING was attending it - my COSMIC SELF - and next to me - HIM, and with a wide sweep of HIS hand HE motioned down over EARTH and then over HEAVEN above, and said, 'SEE, this is all yours...' and EARTH, giant sphere below us, looked stunningly beautiful, all in light blue with white clouds spotting it, shining in all it's Magnificence... and HE said, 'Look what there really is...', and at once the bright blue and white disappeared and gave way to violent, stormy darkness with thick black clouds and blackish red clouds whirling into each other, and rain and storm started to shake the outside of this vehicle. 'That doesn't touch you,' HE said, 'move above the Earth's athmosphere and this will not happen anymore.' And while
I instinctively intensified the LOVE in my heart and thus made our sphere
rise, leaving the storm far behind us, my thoughts were wandering to the
Apocalypse, where a woman is mentioned, coming from Heaven, a woman dressed
in the Sunlight, and I had understood that she was ME and I had thought
of her fate, which had irritated me for quite a while - and HE said, 'the
Apocalypse disguises more than it reveals. It shows only one of many possibilities
of things to come.'
MEN should BELIEVE again, so that they can achieve KNOWLEDGE!' (see also
And I remembered the session with Hildya, once, when the sphere was first shown to me years ago: I was standing in a crowd on an small island, which was surrounded by the river, and standing on the land behind this river there were many other people, and I saw my daughters and my grandson standing in front, wondering why I was separated from them. Then I saw myself slowly rising above the crowd I was in, now being in that huge transparent sphere, and I was told, this way I could reach all people, not just those that were close to me... and at the same time a white bridge connecting the other shore to this island was manifested, and the first one to cross it was my young grandson, running towards me... and now I interpretated this vision differently: Those people around me on that island were those who have come to attend my teachings and live by them, whereas the people on the other side of the dividing river were those that had stayed 'normal', . While rising above all of them, I am able to reach them all - and I KNEW, that this process had begun... And I began to realize, that this huge sphere of LIGHT is the manifestation of the Activated Mer-Ka-Ba, the Highlight in the development of MAN, which, with HIS HELP, has now become reality for the first time in the history of MANKIND. And as this had been done while consciously representing MANKIND, GOD once again had formed an energetic Net Pattern, a blueprint or model for all MANKIND to follow me, but much faster and easier now... HE
- What does HE mean by that?
And halfway
through November, 2003, while heavier and heavier beings were leaving my
Crown-Chakra to be transformed in LIGHT, there HE was besides me, and HE
said, "See, you have been given the power over all Beings..." and, 'You
are now developing with 'wings at your feet', and, relating to a passing
concern of mine, HE said, 'Don't be afraid of the change - when LIGHT fullfills
you, you cannot burn, because the NEW LIGHT is NOT HEAT...'
a week later, when I asked to be allowed to come closer to my Higher SELF,
I had a COGNITION: I KNEW, there is NO such thing as 'sin', 'shame' or
'disgrace' - and the 'Fall of Man' was caused by the snake of Darkness
whispering to them, insinuating, that sexual love were a 'sin', that sexual
love was 'forbidden' and must be hidden in secret, and ADAM and EVE believed
it, thus making themselves small - so they HAD to leave Paradise - UNITY
WITH GOD - because their mind was narrow now... but even
that had
to be - and it was part of their SELF-SACRIFICE, to make themselves
Now, does this mean, that we should have sexual intercourse with as many partners at any time? No - and here you can read more about it. And something else was mentioned: The superficiality of our time finds an expression in the many jokes that are told, jokes about other people, other groups, other nationalities, but most of all jokes about the DIVINE. Leave those habits behind you, do not joke yourself and do not spread jokes about anything, even about highly Spiritual subjects. There is no sense of humour behind it, but darkness, pulling yourself and others down! In case of such an impulse, stop and ask yourself, what is behind that? - maybe your fear, or the feeling of being small and insufficient...? And now, on 23.November 2003, HE confronted me with my innermost secret, that I had kept deep in my heart - Did I not insinuate enough? Did I not once share my secret knowledge with a friend and had she not receded from me...? And I was startled... |
And this I ANNOUNCED on my 60th birthday, the number 60=6 being in the Tarot deck the card of the LOVERS, the SIX also being my Life's number... and for some time, and up to this day there has been a sign set upon the sky, the Star-tetrahedron, the Star of CHRIST, Sign of the AWAKENED MAN, because from this day on | ||||||
And I realized:
Not only was I completely DIFFERENT than before - most of all, my CONSCIOUSNESS
was widening from day to day: I AM NOW IN THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF UNITY WITH
IT IS THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF HEART THAT IS LEADING YOU UPWARDS... And following my Heart, I changed the head of my pages, the first pages of my website only - it does not need more - to symbolize that I am exceeding my NAMES... As I think
this is important, I am giving you a detailed description of what has happened
AM', as I know that people nowadays have lost their sense of perceiving
ACTUAL SPIRITUAL PROCESSES, of believing and recognizing, that HEAVEN INTERVENES
In the night of November 28th, I had a very special experience: I noticed there was someone with me, and it turned out to be the GREAT KING OF THE KINGDOMS OF DWARVES, come to congratulate me to the Fact of my ARRIVAL, and I told him that PAN is back... Here you find more about it. And much later, in May 2004, I found out that the day of my ANNUNCIATION was the KEY to something more, because ON THAT DAY
...and later, on July 31st, 2004, a hot summer day with a full moon, we combined, by drumming in a circle - according to HIS request - the LOVE of EARTH, streaming from the Heart-point in Berlin, the site of the former town castle, with the LOVE of HEAVEN, both flowing together now, gushing forth upon Earth, and since that time the vibrations of Berlin and Earth herself are steadily increasing. |
Every day,
every hour I am now expanding and advancing more and more, continuously
changing in a dynamic way, on my WAY into the Unlimited, with increasing
POWER and CLARITY, living in PEACE, JOY and LOVE.
And one day HE said: "Do not confine your LOVE to your heart-chakra, but LOVE with all your chakras!" Then, in February
2004, Mankind was given a wonderful gift, because GOD's BLESSING
and LOVE can now
be given on by everyone.
And already towards the end of February 2004, I had found the frequency of my own vibrations to be far above the frequency of the 'Catholic Mary', and even above the frequency of the Gods of all the other human religions... On
March 24th, 2004 GOD performed another Symbolic Action for Mankind:
in Deepest LOVE I was now, from shortly before Easter 2004 on, with GOD's
HELP working to redeem the Jewish TRAUMA, the TRAUMA of thousands of years
of persecution, of unending grief and horror, this deep, festering wound
in the flesh of Humanity, caused by Spiritual blindness, false and misunderstood
love, and a basic misunderstanding of the DIVINE; and this TRAUMA, that
is actually the TRAUMA of all of us, and it also was in myself, is to be
seen - according to my feeling spreading from the abscess Palestine - in
connection with the current problems of Islam. If left untreated, this
wound might cause blood-poisoning and poison all of humanity...
Easter Monday 2004, I had the following vision:
Again I entered the large SPHERE of LIGHT, but was unable to see through the rounded, milky pane. So I asked for HIS HELP, and there HE was, to my left, and now, through the clear and shiny pane, HE motioned to the starry sky above, with a wide sweep of HIS hand, 'Look, HEAVEN opens wide for you, Ruler of Moon Power and LOVE!' and HE spoke, 'Now it goes upwards!' Our vehicle began to go straight upwards, while on the outside I noticed an increasing amount of LIGHT, at first a white LIGHT mixed with colors, the colors of the rainbow, turning more and more clear and bright, until there was but a shining WHITE - a glowing White LIGHT within and without of the SPHERE - there was no difference anymore between inside and outside, but ONE-NESS. At the same time I was conscious of unlimited UNITY holding an unbelievable variety of LIFE, and, BEING ONE, LIVING THIS UNITY, I simultaneously knew of all the individual BEINGS it was holding. IT IS SO - no description, no report was necessary or even possible. UNLIMITED PEACE within me, within the WHOLE, BEING ONE with LOVE, JOY, EASINESS, CHEERFULNESS - of WHOM ever I am thinking, IS THERE. And HE to my left. THERE are also the 12 WISE MEN and the 12 JUDGES - all those and the following events I was experiencing one at a time, and yet all of them at once - the WISE MEN kneeling around us in a half circle, speaking as ONE MAN, 'IT IS DONE.' They were speaking this and were then singing in an unknown language, but I KNEW the meaning - the PRAISE of GOD! At the same time I was seeing myself in a mirror, radiating a shining WHITE LIGHT. Also the JUDGES were kneeling around us, then going around us in a circle: Symbolically
they were handing over the POWER OF RIGHT to HIM-ME = ONE,
...and I saw this STANDARD symbolically as a yard-stick made of LIGHT, lying horizontally above me at first, then sinking below me, sinking further and further downward - NON-SPACIOUS - AND I KNEW: I AM THIS
Now I saw
EARTH turning brighter and brighter, until it was shining in clear bright
WHITE, finally turning into GOLD.
And they all
sang, it was singing everywhere:
on July 12th, 2004, being UNITED, being ONE with my HIGHER SELF,
I AM FULFILLMENT. I AM THE DESTINATION OF ALL THOSE WHO SEEK. I AM LOVE. THOSE WHO FOLLOW ME WILL FIND HIM. And in the middle of September 2004, I noticed my HEART-Chakra opening wider and wider, and there where I could feel, when being completely relaxed and in HIGHEST LOVE, that LOVE actually was flowing like drops of water, I was now feeling more and more of those drops flow, until a little well was flowing, and the well became a little brooklet, then a brook, a river and a stream, and I KNEW, that this flowing LOVE, which had the HIGHEST POWER imaginable, was feeding the 'Unending Sea of LOVE'... and my LOVE, becoming a part of it, is turning into this sea... AND MY HEART REJOYCES AND GRATEFULNESS FILLS IT! |
October 4th, 2004, after having worked intensively for several days, releasing
most of the remaining Darkness from my sexual-chakra, with the pain growing
more and more intense, I felt that this work was about to come to an end.
In highest possible LOVE I cleared myself, and GOD was there with me in
HIS LOVE. Then, when I was feeling a strong hindrance, like a huge knot,
I asked HIM intuitively, 'Please open this seal and take his keeper into
LIGHT!' And to my great surprise HE answered, 'There are seven seals to
open.' And so it was, and there was a guardian on each of them - the last
one being a dark dragon. And this was a hidden link to the Revelation of
Saint John.
After this was done, the PUREST, SWEETEST LOVE = SEXUAL POWER was flowing into my second chakra, and in a symbolic progenetive act GOD MADE THE NEW PERFECT MAN A REALISTIC POSSIBILITY... And concerning the Revelation of Saint John, I REALIZED something else: I myself was the woman clothed in the sun, who was hurt and broken by the beast - having chosen long ago to become like MEN and follow their long and painful WAY through the incarnations, so that I could learn all human experiences myself and understand MEN. And at the same time she was a symbol for all the other HELPERS of LIGHT as well, who had also come to EARTH to HELP MEN at this time, having chosen the WAY through the incarnations! In the 'Essene Book of Revelations' (translated by Dr. E. Bordeaux Székely, Verlag Bruno Martin) it sounds like this: |
...and I
looked around, and see,
And I was standing
on the sand by the shore
And I stepped
to the edge of its bed...
And I knew
beyond a doubt, that 'reaching out her arms' meant being caught in darkness
by her own chosing. And this animal, symbolizing the most terrible darkness
and its cruelty and the tragedy and pain of human entanglement with it,
can only be overcome with Unconditional LOVE. And THAT I have done - and
completely HEALED, I am now arising to leave the muddy waters of darkness,
calling down to the HELPERS and the fellow MEN still entangled and caught
in it: 'Look at me, now I have overcome your suffering and know all about
it. Have HOPE! BELIEVE! You will accomplish this, too!'
And now, about a month later, while feeling myself change faster and faster, my heart felt the deep urge to retain myself more in order to praise HIS DOING, and I began to change my texts accordingly... and HE spoke to me, 'What you are doing it unnessecary - YOU and ME IS ONE. When You are doing, I AM DOING, and when I AM DOING, you are doing, because MY WILL is your will and your will is MY WILL. WE ARE ONE and cannot be divided.' And I KNEW by HIS WORDS, that now my innermost prayer is fulfilled - and a wonderful feeling of BLISS was streaming into my HEART. |
In the late
evening of November 22nd, 2004, GOD in HIS IMMENSELY GREAT LOVE gave
FREELY for ALL MEN to work with. All you need for the Initiation into the
First LIGHT-Degree is a PRAYER, and from then on you will be LED within
your heart on your WAY to LIGHT. You will receive the following LIGHT-Degrees
when having achieved the necessary MATURITY. Here
you learn more about it and get the basic, the most important
AND I PERCEIVE: CHRIST is speaking to me, "I plowed - you sow - HE will reap. You are now fulfilling my WORD, that I was sent to bring, as a preparation. They HEARD it then - now they are mature enough to UNDERSTAND. It had to be that way. Every error
was important for GROWTH.
THE TIME HAS COME, that the seed can grow." (I REALIZE now, that all scribes, all literates, all authors have seen themselves as chronists = as PRESERVERS of TIME!) "There was
a time that MEN HEARD THE WORD, it was before they slept. Then they fell
asleep and dreamed, that they were afraid of the NEW, that they wanted
to hide from it and how they suffered for it. And now they AWAKENED and
felt that during their sleep they have learned something, and they are
set to try and dare the NEW! At first the therapists awaken, then the patients.
It takes ten years from the first touch with LIGHT to PERFECTION.
AND I AM DOING THAT NOW SPONTANEOUSLY - I AM LEADING EVERYTHING INTO THE GATE TO MY HEART, TO HIM - EVERYTHING I CAN THINK OF: My former opponents, my enemies of all my incarnations; all of karma; all tearing each other in pieces during relationships, partnership, friendship; all human ways of thinking, feeling, acting and being; the small human mind, being used at the wrong place; false human love, desease, suffering, pain, and all the other ERRORS; the military, politics, economy, finances, administration, police, law, medicine; at last the 'abyss' itself, the 'beautiful illusion', false security, dependence and binding ties; all of darkness and my resonance to it; diffusion, forgetfulness, birth and death, growing and fading away... UNTIL THERE IS BUT LOVE AND FREEDOM, which I am OFFERING TO HIM... I AM NOW MELTING IN ONE WITH CHRIST, with GOD and all of HUMANITY, with all CREATION and with TIME and SPACE. And by doing so I can feel that TIME and SPACE are painful! I FEEL: I AM EVERYTHING
And during the following days I felt the distinct urge to OVERCOME DEATH, and I did it by LOVING DEATH unconditionally, DEATH the way I felt it personally, whatever I connected with it, and while LOVING it, huge amounts of the most intense, most terrible fear left me, and this went on for many days, and most of all I was aware of the distinct fear of SEPARATION - until finally all FEAR OF DEATH was gone - and at the same time any emotion, any association I had connected with DEATH had meant to me... |
a WONDERFUL REVELATION came to me, just a few days before Christmas 2004:
A man who had come to see me (to manipulate me) and whom I could not please well enough, because I did not say what he wanted to hear, said to me furiously before leaving, 'Say hello to your God from me', meaning to hurt me this way... And as I was thinking this sentence over, I became very positive that his god was truly not identical with mine. So I went into resonance with his god, whose vibrations proved to be much lower than mine (as is the case with all the gods that MEN had created themselves without consciously knowing about it, see here and here) - and then, to my surprise, this being was right here in my aura, just like a 'lost soul' - and while doing so, I had the spontaneous vision of a man (I KNEW it was my visitor) standing above me, with a stone knife in his hand, ready to cut out my heart as a sacrifice to this god. It was an old South American god, who has been adored under many different names. And I LOVED this 'god' and KNEW at the same time that he could not go back anymore, but had to go into LIGHT. And at the
same moment I KNEW,
And now I KNEW why I once had to feel the deepest pain of MANKIND, the pain of being separated from GOD: Because I myself will have to hurt MEN that way! And this you can only DO, when you are in HIGHEST LOVE, in HIGHEST COMPASSION! I am taking away your false gods, who gave power over many to but a few, and I give the TRUE POWER back to you, to each one of you: THE POWER OF HEART, of your OWN WAY, of your RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and the WHOLE. The
South American god was the first to go, and since then numerous others
left, too. GOD is leading them to my heart and they go through it into
LIGHT. I myself do nothing else, but tell HIM, when I am ready for it.
Then the process takes place by itself.
Now a painful
time is coming to MEN, when their wellknown beloved and feared gods will
not answer them anymore.
January 4th, 2005, I was working intensively with LOVE to further the advancement
of MANKIND, when all of a sudden I found myself within a large circle of
people, looking quite human - to be exact, I was hovering above the ground,
not having fully arrived yet, slowly lowering towards them... AND I PERCEIVED:
THE COSMIC COUCIL. And at the same time I KNEW that I was there because
my vibrations had been raised by the work I had been doing, and that a
certain vibrational frequency was necessary to arrive there - and at the
same time I KNEW that the people around me had been waiting for me. From
my hovering position I asked if I was the only human here, and someone
answered, Yes, and greeted me IN THE NAME OF GOD with a kiss.
Within this illustrious CIRCLE I perceived a DIGNITY THAT LIFTED MY HEART UP HIGH as well as something I can only describe as a FESTIVE ATMOSPHERE in the utmost way. Meanwhile there was tremendous JOY about my arrival. At the same time I KNEW that parallel existences of my own BEING were present there. Here, the
Being who had greeted me now said, PERSONALITIES are assembled who have
reached a certain standard of Spiritual MATURITY. Together they are guiding
the fate of civilizations in worlds of lower vibrational realms, watching
over them, teaching and guarding them. They are sending teachers and guardians
to them, assigned to develop and form them, as has been done from the beginning
The speaker
now said:
Now Earth has surpassed the threshold to a new development and has reached a new step. We are leading and guiding your planet. We have also watched your WAY and your MISSION and we were with you. What is holding Earth back, is Darkness. Now it is the concern of MANKIND to recognize Darkness and what belongs to the past, and to leave them behind, together with their old religions. Now that EARTH is represented here, our ASSIGNMENT has become easier. We ask you to tell MEN about that. Tell them that they are never alone and that other worlds have accomplished a similar advancement before. MEN will succeed as well. Many of their brothers and sisters from the stars are among them, to help and to guide them in SPIRIT and HEART... BLESSINGS FOR YOU, PEOPLES OF EARTH!" Read here the complete MESSAGE OF THE COSMIC COUNCIL TO MANKIND! |
On January
24th, 2005, while being joined with GOD in deep contemplation,
day, I work in a different way, my HEART being endless, my mind widening
day by day... And
now I am feeling that HE is helping unknown people by way of my HEART,
and I feel their closeness and their deep despair, and I KNOW, that I am
within their hearts - and they are I and I am they, in ONE: a young
woman, who, in deepest helplessness and awful fury because of this, would
mistreat and kill her baby - that I KNEW - and in deepest LOVE I LOVED
HER, until suddenly she stopped, deeply moved, breaking out in tears, REALIZING
the situation (at that moment I also KNEW her background, how she was mistreated
as a baby herself, how she had to live through it, herself...) and I spoke
words to her, that flowed out of myself, because I had so say them to her...
She now became conscious of her LOVE for her child and she REALIZED that
she saw herself within her child and that actually she was mistreating
herself. Now she asked her child for forgiveness, caressing and kissing
it. The pattern of force was broken and a NEW LIFE could dawn upon them.
And now for the first time she was able to smile.
On February
23rd, 2005 I received the knowledge about 'black stars'
and 'black holes'
through my own experience, and I PERCEIVED the connection between ABOVE
(universe) and BELOW (Energy blockages). I learned to HEAL these energy
phenomena within us with UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. Then I REALIZED that darkness
not only wants to rule Earth, but the UNIVERSE = CREATION as well, and
that the universe is being diminuished, due to the 'black holes' sucking
in energy and material converted into energy - just as our strength is
being diminuished - and I PERCEIVED that it will be just as possible to
HEAL the 'black holes' in the universe, and that actually by HEALING the
tiny 'black holes' within us, the gigantic 'black holes' in the universe
will be HEALED in symbolic action as well. In the same way we will HEAL
darkness itself, which - that I KNEW - must be a huge 'black hole' at the
very 'bottom' of CREATION.
For HEALING Earth and the Whole = CREATION - and that is the point of it all - we = all humans have once volunteered, as GOD'S ARMY of LIGHT and LOVE. But to REDEEM darkness, we had to learn to know and to LOVE it first. And in that process, by influence of darkness, we have lost Unconditional LOVE, the only WEAPON OF OUR HEARTS. It was relevant to find it back - to FIND it and train it! NOW THE WAY TO THE HEALING OF CREATION IS FREE! For THAT purpose Earth was our Training planet... On May 14th, 2005, the Saturday before Whitsunday, GOD said to me, 'I WILL FILL YOU WITH MY HOLY SPIRIT! WHAT IS MY HOLY SPIRIT? MY WILL - MY INTENT - MY WISH - MY EXPLICITLEY AIMED THINKING! WHEN I POUR THIS SPIRIT INTO SOMEONE'S HEART, THIS PERSON IS FILLED WITH IT AND DOES MY WILL. SO BE IT WITH YOU, SO THAT MY WILL IS DONE ON EARTH!' And I felt an intensely vibrating POWER stream into my crown-chakra. In June 2005, I became more and more aware of my painful problems with technical utilities, especially with computers technology, and so I began to LOVE them consciously. These problems were extremely deeply rooted and it was not the first time that I LOVED this subject. LIFE had forced me to learn the use of tools and technical constructions, because both by previous husbands had been no experts and I had been living alone for many years with my children, ... now it became clear to me that technical problems were nothing but problems with the material world, and I was aware that these problems must be elementary: they were the elementary fear and discomfort of LIGHT BEINGS from High Frequency Worlds diving into the heavy and dark depths of EARTH! This was mirrored by the energies dissolving now, especially those from the crown- and solarplexus-chakras. And I realized now that the technical progress of mankind has always aimed at compensating the apparently lost and subconsciously remembered abilities we once had, when dwelling in the High Realms of LIGHTER Worlds by material means: Our once unlimited and now lost potential of POWER and CREATIVE BEING were imitated by means of tools and learning how to change and utilize material stuff; The instant movement by way of MIND was compensated by faster movement (with the help of horses and wheels, later cars and trains); our ability to fly was restored by way of kites and airplanes; our once perfect mental CLEARNESS was compensated by writings, in scrolls, books and computer technology; the absolute KNOWLEDGE and absolute MEMORY were restored by means of drawings, pictures, books, computers, films and photos. And I KNEW that all our technical problems actually are our own problems with the material world which we have not yet overcome! The conviction to be incapable of mastering technology makes it worse. So these problems confront us in each incarnation and become more and more apparent, more painful, until we become capable of LOVING technology, thus transcending it, which means transcending the material world! And the technical appliances want to be LOVED as well! All our machines, when having been produced, become animated, living and feeling individuals! Neither our washing machine nor the computer nor our car are 'dead'! They, too, appreaciate our gratitude for their faithful and reliable service! And a few days later I realized something else: There was something that had bothered me from childhood on, namely that there were stories, books or movies without a 'happy-end'... and I had always regarded this as false, as an error, as deepest sadness... And now I KNEW: THERE IS ALWAYS A HAPPY-END - YES, THE HAPPY ENDING IS THE MOST NATURAL THING OF ALL IN A UNIVERSE OF LOVE - IT IS LAW! Because: Each cause can only be found in the non-material realms - and we ourselves are responsible for it. But because of this we ourselves are able to change everything! Every desease can be HEALED - every damage REPAIRED - everything can be changed, everything can be turned to the good, including everything we did "wrong" in the past. Because we can go into the past with our thoughts, our minds and HEAL 'missed chances', MAKE GOOD every wrong we have done, when we are ready for it - AND SO EVERY LIFE'S BOOK, EVERY LIFE'S MOVIE HAS IT'S HAPPY END AT SOME TIME, SOONER OR LATER! ISN'T THAT WONDERFUL? |
Now the WONDERFUL TIME has come,
where the vibrations of EARTH have reached und surpassed the 5th Dimension. Now
we can make the GIANT STEP from the POLARIC way of thinking and doing to the NON-POLARIC.
This opens the WAY into HEAVEN UNLIMITED.
The first step can be UNCONDITIONAL
Maybe we feel that our old limitations have become less rigid. We have more and
better possibilities to change things, to be CREATIVE - and our thoughts become
reality in a more direct way. Thus we have more responsibility, because we
should avoid damage for others and for Earth! But most of all this is a
wonderful CHANCE to turn to GOD and help make things better! Maybe we become painfully aware that the old laws, rules and habits do not work the way they used to. Things just don't fit any more: so in social and in private life we can let go of the old ways and dare NEW ONES! Regard this time of crisis and change as a CHANCE! Now the WAY to GOD is wide open - to HIM WHO stands above POLARITY! And in the beginning of August 2005, ancient, heavy and biting energies were leaving my HEART-Chakra and then all the other chakras, and all of a sudden I feel my HEART, heavy from those energies, become FREE, and for the first time my crown-chakra. A wonderful LIGHT energy was flowing in. I feel: I am becoming a SUN. And for one promising moment my unlimited Cosmic Consciousness was opening. And with exceeding speed heavy burdens were leaving me to flow into LIGHT. Now I feel that I am leaving all MEN behind me - and at the same time coming NEARER to them. And as more and more of the remaining beings within me are leaving, I am feeling more ALONE, at the same time being united in a NEW CLARITY with GOD and CHRIST within my HEART. I have the sensation to define 'BEING ALONE' completely NEW. At the beginning of each of these processes I had a weird sensation - in the next moment it felt completely NATURAL. THIS - I AM SENSING - IS THE TRANSITION TO NON-POLARIC BEING. And towards the end of August
2005, GOD said to me, "GREAT and small ist ONE - in the measurable as well
as in the immeasurable sense. Everyone is GREAT, every one of my children - and
each one is carrying the ONE UNLIMITED POTENTIAL in his hands. But there is a
difference between BEING and the POTENTIAL yet unused. Who thinks to be GREAT,
is actually small - HE who is TRULY GREAT, LIVED GREATNESS without thinking
about it.
remembering being small. THAT IS: HEAVEN AND EARTH UNITED - the ULTIMATIVE
POTENTIAL and the memory of reaching this state. MEN having been ANGELS and
ANGELS having been human are now ONE. SO HELP can come to all the worlds of the
Universe which still have been imperfect so far! EARTH is only the beginning! After CLEARING and
ASCENSION of EARTH the pattern is formed for the PEACEFUL REVOLUTION everywhere!
And everywhere the seed of darkness will be transformed into the HIGHEST POTENTIAL
Most important to me was, that I was GIVEN the knowledge of Working with ESSENCES, which offers new and stunning possibilities and has not yet reached its limits by far, and this is speeding up my CLEARING process distinctly.
And on December 25th, 2005 GOD SPOKE: Now you should PRAY like this! and HE GAVE US A NEW WAY OF PRAYING. And on January 1st, 2006, HE SPOKE to my greatest AMAZEMENT, |
And I checked this out and found it TRUE, in the PRESENT as well as in the future and in the past, as well.
And the following KNOWLEDGE has to be seen in this context:
On March 6th, 2006, GOD REVEALED to me that I also WAS-AM MARIA Magdalena = Mary of Magdala, and HE said: |
And I KNEW, it could not be any different. Human thinking cannot GRASP it.
What else but JOY can the future bring for me? Each day is the PUREST JOY and LOVE, all people I meet - and there are more and more - are LOVING BROTHERS AND SISTERS - HOW RICH IS WHAT I RECEIVE! - HOW AM I BLESSED!
NEVER, NEVER, NEVER COULD I HAVE DREAMED OF ANYTHING THAT WONDERFUL - and so I am able to understand everyone who cannot imagine the BEAUTY of this PATH - and yet I KNOW today, that LIFE IS SO INFINITELY BEAUTIFUL, so unbelievably WONDROUS, as our HEART could not hold - and that all this is easy to reach for EVERYONE! - when you throw off your old doubts, when you are ready to look at yourself CLEARLY and LIVE UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. With all my HEART I wish that each MAN should have the experiences I was allowed to have! but I KNOW that I will be ready for EVERYTHING - in highest LOVE and JOY ! |
...And so my
soul is awakening to it's own potential...
I tell you
about myself, so you can learn to know and understand me, so you can see
why I regard the world around me with different eyes than most people.
But I want you to know, that I'm neither higher nor greater than you, that
I'm as human as you are, rather, that you are Spiritual Beings just like
me... I can give you HELP, but I do not stand above you. Everything that
I can do, anyone of you is able to learn, too, if you really wants it from
deep in the heart. I show you, that this is possible.
And now, that even my most inner secrets, that so far I had locked away in my heart all for myself, have been published in this website, according to HIS WILL, these many pages have become a UNIT, and they, as a whole, have a deeper aspect to them now, than ever before - which might be revealed to those people, who can read not only with their eyes, but with their HEARTS. That is why I constantly added one page after the other, complemented the existing pages and changed things, 'molding' the website - and only now I realized with deep astounding, that by doing this, I myself had learned more about myself and my many aspects, more than I had ever dreamed of, and I myself have been added to, complemented, changed and "molded"... And by learning all about myself, I have been learning all about everyone else ...and in a way I feel that we have become more equal now: You know everything about myself - and I know everything about you. So now, with peaceful HEART, I can proceed LIVING and ADVANCING step by step, like the MESSENGER from LIGHT once had told me to proceed, more than 30 years ago... See, this website LIVES - on a very high vibrational level, and that is why it can HELP you - and HE HELPS through me! In deep humility I am before HIM, WHO is LIGHT and LOVE, WHOM alone I worship and WHOM I serve - thus serving YOU. And these pages serve to worship HIM. If you are interested to know how I imagine GOD to be like, you may read about it here. |
GOD said to me: The Sun above
(Dec. 8th,1999) |
I am deeply grateful to all those loving Beings, incarnated or not, who have accompanied me for some distance on my WAY or are still accompanying me, and who have helped to make me the Person I am today. I thank all those Beings, who gave me the opportunity to learn and who were mirrors to me. I especially thank those loving and lovable Humans, who have counselled me and helped me with hand and knowledge to make this website. | ||||||
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