Who or what is GOD? |
SWEETEST, UNCONDITIONAL LOVE, is theCenter od the universe, the SOUCE OF
CREATION - the highest vibrational frequency, the X. Plane,
more powerful than any other dimension, even standing above the HEAVENLY Plane.
CLEAREST, never ending CREATIVITY = SEXUALITY, always working and creating,
never ending POWER.
When asked about HIS BEING, GOD said the following WORDS: |
"I AM SPIRIT - just
like you. I AM consciously aimed WILL and personality - just like you, too. I
AM JUST LIKE YOU ARE. Same creates Same. MY children are LIKE ME. You
limit yourslves by thin king in samll terms.
If you think that I WERE unpersonal and only spiritual, you are creating a distance from ME, making ME strange and far away. But I have been incarnated on earth in my male as well as my female aspects many times before. Yes, that is possible, just as MY SON - MY DAUGHTER have been with you many times before. The people of former times knew about that. People cannot imagine something unpersonal and LOVE it at the same time. So this way of thinking has enstranged me from you, and this happened willfully so. But now is the time so relieve you from this error. I AM in the HEART of each MAN, and there I am awaiting you, speaking to you, like a father is speaking to his child, like a mother is speaking to her child, like a friend is speaking to a friend, like a brother or a sister is speaking to another brother or to another sister. You can tell ME everything, trust everything to ME and you will never be disappointed, never be hurt, never betrayed, only RELIEVED, FREED and RELEASED of your burdens. There in your HEARTS I want to exchange LOVE with you. I am longing for the dialogue with you, because I had to wait for this for a long time." |
has given MEN a FREE WILL, |
HE said: |
How can you address GOD? |
or ONE
CREATOR oder CREATOR-CREATESS or DEAREST FRIEND or simply YOU... I myself mostly say 'GOD', because it is a short expression, but while saying so, I am keeping in mind 'GODFATHERMOTHER'. As a
resonance to this page, I once received an email of a spiritual woman who
accused me of being feministic, because I had mentioned GODDESS. Besides, she
wrote, GOD could not be seen as a person, but purely in spirit. Some time
before that, someone confronted me during a seminar, because I had only said
'GOD' instead of 'GODDESS'... It is impossible to please everybody - and
I do not even try to! If I always mention both, GOD-GODDESS, HE-SHE, the flow
of text will be clogged and it will be difficult to read, what I have to say.
You should simply know, that whenever I mention GOD, I always mean BOTH
the male and the female form of ALL-THAT-IS.
Our language is not as beautiful and precise as the Hungarian language, where 'Ö'
means both male and female in ONE. But saying and meaning only GOD =
male would be talking about only a half of GOD, what really were unthinkable;
and it would really be a pity to forget the female part of GOD, who is just as
beautiful! And there also is a part within us of the opposite gender, and
without it we would not be ONE either, but completely one-sided: a poor
little, lost half. The words we use for "God" are burdened with masses of old emotions. When you say "Father", it could be that you mix that expression up with your own old and maybe half forgotten problems with your earthly father, who used to be very strict with you, and you transfer your fear of him to the "Father in Heaven". Unfortunately some parents even threaten their children with a God, who would come and punish them if they are naughty or did not clean up their rooms! When you say "God", you may come into contact with you ancient fear of hell, after you had secretely broken your vow of celebacy, centuries ago... You think that is far-fetched? Each unsolved trauma and the feelings and thoughts conntected to it are still very much alive in our aura, ready to be activated, so that we are reminded of them, so we may LOVE them this time around... Only when you are completely CLEAR, you can truly turn to GOD in PUREST LOVE. But GOD knows of your imperfection and LOVES YOU just the same! To HIM-HER, you are already PERFECTED - as with HIM there TRULY is no TIME and SPACE, so that all processes are still going on and are COMPLETED IN ONE. We humans cannot grasp this, because our polar human mind cannot follow there. |
You do not need
prayers that others have thought of, that you have learned by heart, no
mantras, no Ave-Marias, no rosaries and not even God's Prayer. Leave all those
many words behind you, they are part of the past, unnecessary, senseless - so
let all those many words be, as GOD is living within you own HEART, in your
HEART-Chakra, and KNOWS exactly how you are and what is the matter with you.
You have to ask HIM-HER, though, otherwise you have no HELP - because HE-SHE
and all the HEAVENLY BEINGS OF LIGHT honour your own FREE WILL in any case and
do not HELP unasked! So you can pray for example: 'Dear FATHER, Dear MOTHER,
please help me!'
Say what worries you, if you like, or what hurts you, just in the words that
are coming to you, but there is no need for too many words, because you can be
sure, GOD KNOWS what you need!
Afterwards say THANK YOU. Or pray to HIM without words, by being in Unconditional LOVE, LOVING GOD HIM-HERSELF! There will always be an answer, maybe a silent answer to your silent prayer, maybe like a WAVE OF LOVE, even if it may take a while until you are capable of feeling it... GOD grants every wish, listens to every prayer! So be careful what you wish: The material things are unimportant and will eventually turn to dust, and in most cases they spring from your wish for security (out of fear and because of your lack of trust in GOD) and/or your wish to be honored and LOVED (out of fear and because of your lack of self esteem). You leave them behind, when you leave your body behind... But whatever you gathered within your HEART, your LOVE, your WISDOM, your EXPERIENCE, will be with you forever - and you take it with you and bring it back to Earth, again and again in increasing amounts: Your eternal TREASURE, as our sojourn on Earth is only serving our Spiritual GROWTH and our eternal TASK. See, you are so important to HIM-HER - so IMPORTANT and DEAR TO HIS HEART! You cannot imagine the intensity of THE LOVE that GODFATHERMOTHER FEELS for you - human words cannot express it, human feelings cannot come near it - but so it is. In the course of your Spiritual WAY on Earth you may - with an increasing degree of CLEARNESS - sense more and more of HIS LOVE... If you could imagine what there is to find in this WONDER-ful world, what there is to explore in this WONDER-ful CREATION, your daily sorrows and fears, your disputes and quarrels with other people would appear completely unimportant to you, and it would be so easy for you to live in JOY forever! GOD does not punish nor expect something of you - GOD LOVES. GOD does not judge nor take revenge - GOD LOVES. You are not criticized, not smiled at, not dropped if you err and lose your WAY. GOD knows no 'sin', no 'fault' and no punishment either - only LOVE. GOD knows, that you will return to LOVE some day, and to HIM you have already COMPLETED this WAY successfully. GOD awaits you in unimaginable LONGING, ready to reach out HIS HAND to you whenever you would want to take it. GOD IS LOVE. GOD IS LIGHT. LOVE LOVES. LOVE IS. LIGHT SHINES ON EVERYONE. See,
GOD is completely different from what you have thought! GOD is completely
different from what all of the churches and religions in this world have been
teaching you. |
So start to see this world and especially yourself with
eyes that can look UNLIMITED. Leave the old narrow ways of thinking behind you -
they are all obsolete! Think BIG - think widely - think openly - think without bounds! That is how you actually are! All that is narrow and tight = fear comes but from yourself! Become open for the NEW, for that which no human has ever DARED TO THINK, for everything UNHEARD OF: FOR THE NON-POLAR! |
In the Brockhaus Dictionary
you can read under
"Polarity": "The relation of the difference between two
interdependent moments or principles, which are conditional, respectively mutual
dependent." These principles confront each other, or they are standing in
contrast to each other, they are diametrically opposed to each other - as
contrasting poles
(like the south pole in contrast stands to the North pole - one could not exist
without the other, otherwise there would just be a spot on the globe, but not a
pole.M.). "Duality", "Dualism" or "Dual system" is the "teaching or doctrine of the TWO", "the Twosome Teaching". In Science these expressions are even further differentiated; the expression "dual system" or "binary system" ist being used (both meaning the same), also for the computer language. In the Spiritual sense usually "Polarity" and "Duality" mean the same." That is how I want to use these expressions, even if I myself prefer the word "Polarity". The Hermetic (= brought by Hermes Trismegistos) LAW (Principle) of Polarity and Sexuality says: "Everything has poles. Everything has a pair of contrasting expressions. SAME and NOT THE SAME are ONE. The inner meaning of contrasts is identical, they are just carrying polaric signs (like + and -) and have different vibrations. All truths are half-truths - except the TRUTH of GOD, which is ONE. Every paradoxon shall be led into unison - into the center. Do not judge and evaluate. Accept the contrary opinion as well. Do not judge. All of them are right. Everything is WELL. Sexuality is in everything. Every Sexuality is ONE at the same time. Sexuality is manifested everywhere. Everything consists of male and female elements. Everything is male and female at the same time. Sexuality strives for UNION. But actually Sexuality IS ONE, as you can see with the TAO. The ONE contains the male and the female principle. Live your male and female aspects likewise. Be centered. Be in your balance - in your center." In non-polar worlds, polarity is combined into the middle, where the two aspects are ONE - which we cannot "understand" - but here in Earth, in a polar world, the two aspects are lived and manifested expressively, until we ourselves bring them together in the middle, into ONE. This can only be done in Unconditional LOVE, not "understood". Polar expressions are: north and south, big and small, good and evil, right and false, light and dark, up and down, above and below, high and low, narrow and wide, right and left, mals and female... In the 3. dimension we know so well, they are conditional to each other, that is, one cannot be without the other. When there is the expression and the mental picture of "up", there has to be of course a mental picture and an expression of "down", because the "up" can only be experienced as the contrast to "down"- otherwise there could only be an undefinable BEING. Also Earth is polar with it's North- and Southpole, and if Earth had no gravity, we would be living in weightlessness. Some areas on Earth are moist, others dry. Also our body is created polar: We have a top and a bottom, a right and a left part of our brains, our face has a left and a right half, our extremities, our eyes and ears are each left! In Polarity we recognize the GOOD, because it is opposite to the BAD. We conceive the SKY above us and EARTH below us. We see DARKNESS and LIGHT, as DAY and NIGHT are polar, too. We SLEEP and WAKE, LAUGH and CRY, STAND UP and lLIE DOWN, we conceive the difference between MAN and WOMAN, between MALE and FEMALE. It is a politic law, that when there is a RIGHT party, there will have to be a LEFT party. Each party creates it's own contrast - anything else would be impossible. And so the God of the Catholic Church needs a DEVIL as polar contrast, because this God, as well as Church, is POLAR! But GOD, TRUE GOD-FATHERMOTHER, has no contrasting pole! I myself felt the Law of a necessary contrast very closely: One year after moving into my apartment, a brothel moved in right across the street, and a Turkish Koran school moved into the apartment above, with the windows face to face to mine, right across the street. Even if Unconditional LOVE as the HEAVENLY aspect of LOVE has no counter-pole, my presence here seems to need one, in the shape of LOVE on a lower level. I am trying to see now, how to bring these tho aspects together in the middle, while living Unconditional LOVE at an increasingly high level. I am sure it can be done. But if we were living in
higher vibrational planes, things would look different: We
- with our little polar brain in the left half of our head, have great
difficulty to understand NON-POLARITY, because this does not exist in a
three-dimensional world.
My own Idea of GOD |
just as UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and the LIGHT OF GOD are NON-POLAR! That is why GOD
is hard to understand for our rational thinking, as our polar-oriented brain
can only grasp HIM partially, as far as our mind can imagine HIM. But this can be HELPED: When we are in Unconditional LOVE, we are in the NON-POLAR realm! When you LIVE this LOVE, then GOD is a matter of fact to you and the contact is natural - GOD WHO IS LIVING IN YOUR HEART, The PLACE where we meet HIM! So far, there are relatively few people LIVING IN LOVE, namely those that have learned it from these pages or have attended my seminars! YOU WHO ARE LOVING: CARRY THE TORCH OF LOVE from HEART to HEART, until all the HEARTS of MEN are ignited, so that GOD can be with MANKIND again!, so that EARTH will become HEAVEN!, so that HAPPINESS, PEACE and the STATE of HEALING can come to our beautiful Planet and so that GOD CAN LIVE HERE, TOO! GOD IS EVERYTHING - AND FOR YOU HE-SHE IS EVERYTHING, YOU CAN IMAGINE. The way you are capable to imagine HIM-HER, HE-SHE will appear to you. So my way of imagining GOD must not be the same as yours, and yet mine is neither right nor wrong, nor yours! Each person has its own image of GOD wich is unique and must not be identical to anyone else's. It is a wholly individual, a totally personal intimate thing, HOW you FEEL and how you THINK GOD. Each image of GOD is RIGHT. But the sum of all of GOD's images does not total GOD. No image of GOD can be describes, because it holds unnumerable pictures, scenes, thoughts, memories, experiences, feelings and so much that is unspeakable, unexpressable, like moods, which fit together like a giant puzzle, influenced by all the aspects of the individual soul since this soul was CREATED; a description must necessarily remain imperfect. We can only approach our own picture or image of GOD. ...and so, approaching my image of GOD, I am thinking: For me GOD is the never- ending, unimaginable GREAT SPIRIT, WHOM no CREATURE could ever be able to fathom nor understand. At the same time GOD is to me PERSON, because GOD IS LOVE, and LOVE can only well from a HEART-CHAKRA, the SOURCE of all LOVE. EVERYTHING THAT IS must be like GOD HIM-HERSELF, because every being can only reproduce itself, and so HE-SHE must also have a HEART-Chakra, which can produce LOVE, feel LOVE and radiate LOVE. When I want to see what GOD "looks like", I just have to look around me - HE-SHE is everywhere: in the tree, in the clouds, in the air, in the grass, in the fly, in a grain of sand, even in dust and 'dirt', and of course in all the people I see, even in the least and most deplorable! And when I look into the mirror, I recognize HIM in myself! Each of the different personifications of GOD has a different CONSCIOUSNESS of BEING GOD. Being a PERSON, GOD can be addressed to and HE answers. So HE is EVERYTHING and at the same time HE is personally/indiviudally close to you. GOD is male and female at the same time - in ONE: Only after HE had CREATED from out of HIMSELF "HER", that is HIS FEMALE PART, reflecting HER outside of HIMSELF, CREATION was possible, because LIFE comes only from the UNION of MALE AND FEMALE (see the pages about CREATION)! So it is with everything in CREATION, because GOD-FATHER-MOTHER IS like this. FATHER and MOTHER are two BEINGS or PERSONALITIES in ONE. They are SOULMATES, BOTH OF THEM Part of one and the same SOUL UNITY - HE: LOVING LIGHT - SHE: LIGHT-FILLED LOVE. HE-SHE is everywhere, is in EVERYTHING, and EVERYTHING comes from HIM-HER and there is nothing what did not come from HIM-HER. I was allowed to see the picture of a WELL, a FOUNTAIN, and there HE and SHE were dancing, and SHE was drinking the WATER from HIS LIPS - and the WATER of the WELL kept on flowing and I SAW that further away a large stream was flowing from it, and on his banks I saw LIFE springing into BEING: beatiful landscapes, trees, flowers, animals and MEN... thus I conceived CREATION - and I was HER and SAW myself from the outside at the same time... Maybe HE-SHE shows HIM-HERSELF to human being as well as a male and as a female person. In the beginning HE showed HIMSELF to me as a human-like PERSON, in the brightest LIGHT, PERFECT and unspeakably BEAUTIFUL, unspeakably YOUNG and WISE at the same time, and distinctively MALE, actually I perceived HIM as the ESSENCE of MASCULINITY; it was partially like seeing pictures, but mostly it was a sort of inner VIEW, inner KNOWLEDGE of HIS FIGURE-IN-LIGHT, rather conceiving or sensing it. I could never have said, HIS FACE looks like this or that, because it was not perceptible as a WHOLE. When I was still in human 'brain-perception', I noticed at times, that HIS HAIR was always looking exactly the same way as mine then, only shiningly BRIGHT and PERFECT. I remember also that once - during one of the earlier regression sessions - I was shown my HIGHER SELF in a mirror (because I was feeling so imperfect at that time), and I was only able to see the different parts of my face one after the other, without ever having been able to see my face as a WHOLE, But each part was so PERFECT that it left me breathless: My eyelashes were PERFECT, my lips the same, my eyes were a wonderbul bright BLUE, my skin was wonderfully delicate, my hair was GOLD..., and HE said, 'CAN YOU NOW LOVE YOURSELF?' Now GOD is with me in a different way. Now I PERCEIVE HIM BY KNOWING THAT HE IS THERE, ans sometimes HE is standing beside me as a HIGH FIGURE, in BRIGHTEST LIGHT. The communication is mostly very short, and I KNOW the meaning more than I hear it, often I HEAR only one or two WORDS. This is a SIGN to me, that my relationship to HIM has changed, and indeed it is much more INTIMATE, with a feeling of ALWAYS HAVING BEEN THERE - IT IS COMPLETELY NATURAL. The CHARACTERICTICS OF GOD HOW I PERCEIVE THEM AND THE WAY HE SHOWS HIMSELF TO ME ARE SIGNS OF HIS NON-POLAR BEING! |
About the "Holy Trinity" see here. |
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