LIGHTWORK - Working with the LIGHT of GOD Index of all Pages - Alphabetical Register - Seminars |
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When GOD saw because they could not see the LIGHT of LIFE anymore, HE chose Israel's best, so that they could make the LIGHT of LIFE shine brightly before MANKIND. And those chosen were called Essenes. because they taught the ignorant and healed the sick. And they assembled on the evening of each seventh day in LOVING COMMUNION with the ANGELS. (From the 'Essene GOSPEL OF PEACE'
of the Dead Sea scrolls, |
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In the non-material dimensions
everyone is doing energywork. We actually can say that all the BEINGS OF LIGHT and
especially GOD himself are doing energywork, that is WORK WITH LIGHT AND LOVE.
What, do you think, is CREATION? Nothing but the PUREST LIGHT and the PUREST LOVE!
So by working witrh LIGHT and LOVE we actually are working with the 'stuff of
CREATION'. The new POWER OF LIGHT which was given to us is welling from the SOURCE itself. It
is initiating an enormous change, actually a REVOLUTION, within our physical and
nonphysical bodies. It is the switching from the negative to the positive energy-pole. Energywork has always been a
very gentle type of HEALING, but now it is much more dynamic because nothing equals the
GOD. This ENERGY is transporting the highest WISDOM of the universe, the most
effective HEALING POWER and the most intense LOVE. The effects are accordingly.
At the same time LIGHT is
transforming the energies which are dissolving in the process. When working this way, you have all the HELP of the
because you are in HARMONY with all the COSMIC LAWS, especially the highest
UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. If the LIGHT is used for personal gain or for the
purpose of deliberately harming another human being, it will stop to flow. LIGHT
be misused – it cannot harm anybody, because otherwise it stops to flow. LIGHTWORK is given on by initiations. The initiations usually are given by humans, whom GOD had entitled to do so, but the POWER
itself always
comes from GOD, with the human helper acting as an intermediary. BUT FROM NOVEMBER 23rd, 2004, ON, YOU MAY RECEIVE THE INITIATION INTO LIGHTWORK SIMPLY AFTER A PRAYER TO GOD. IT IS POSSIBLE TO RECEIVE AN INITIATION INTO LIGHTWORK 'FOR A TRIAL PERIOD', LASTING FOR THE DURATION OF 4 - 6 WEEKS. ON THE OTHER HAND YOU MAY HAVE AN 'INITIATION INTO THE I. LIGHT-DEGREE', LASTING FOR THE DURATION OF YOUR PRESENT INCARNATION. During the initiations, your palm chakras, which usually are “minor chakras” are opened and transformed to become main chakras, thus enabling you to receive and give more LIGHT at the same time. With the initiation for a limited time, this happens only temporarily for the time given. After these 4 – 6 weeks you may ask for another such initiation. Of course, you may at any time also ask for an initiation into the I. LIGHT-DEGREE. If you do not want to work with LIGHT any longer, you may ask the CHRIST BEING in a prayer to take the INITIATION away from you, and of course this will happen immediately. This LIGHTWORK is not the same as any other type of lightwork or 'light energy'. There are innumerous frequencies of light but just ONE LIGHT – THE NON-POLAR LIGHT OF GOD, which comes to you as the answer to a prayer. |
When we are working with
LIGHT and at the same time with our own Unconditional LOVE, we will change in a
totally different way and speed as we would with LIGHTWORK alone! LIGHTWORK
alone would not dissolve the deepest and darkest energies just as fast, some
people may not reach this at all - BECAUSE WITH OUR OWN UNCONDITIONAL LOVE WE
will reach the deepest, darkest problems, including darkness and its
manipulations, only with you own UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. THE BRINGING-FORTH OF THIS
LOVE, which will confront us with our own limitations over and over again, at
the same time leading us forward to transcend these limitations, will
revolutionize our small human existence in the process, leaving us GREATER and
GREATER each time, thus pushing us to the discovery of our actual ANGELIC BEING,
deep down unter all that darkness, those errors and pain! Our own CAPACITY TO
LOVE is our MOTOR OF GROWTH, the measure which is used to judge our advancement!
Eventually you will reach advancement with LIGHTWORK alone, too, but only when
you learn to LOVE in the process, and this may take much more time, maybe
several incarnations.
I found this out because I know people who are working only with Light, and it actually is possible that they do so for years without ever finding UNCONDITIONAL LOVE. But without LOVE no ASCENSION is possible! BEcause you can only reach higher vibrational realms with LOVE. Is there no LOVE, you stick to the twilight. And because LOVE is so imortant, I show during the first LIGHT-DEGREE in a short version how to feel UNCONDITIONAL LOVE and LIVE and WORK with it. |
there is LOVE,
there is LIGHT
- And where there is LIGHT,
there is LOVE. LIGHT
Now again, at this time which is of
such importance to EARTH and HER inhabitants, these energies are
made available to us due to unimaginable intensive LOVE: For us – as
never before during the history of MANKIND – to have the possibility
to FREE OURSELVES from all our self-created misery,
from all our heavy burdens and from the grip of darkness. We have
always been guided to the LIGHT – and from now on you will recognize this guidance more and more clearly. |
GOD himself cannot ACT, cannot DO
here on
EARTH due to the low
vibrations of the material
world, because for DOING something, a material body is necessary –
and GOD is PURELY SPIRIT. This is why our SPIRIT BEINGS have to use a material
body as a verhicle when entering the EARTHLY plane, in order to live, learn
and ACT here. Without the material body this would not be possible. But if an incarnated human being offers his HEART (-Chakra) to GOD in LOVE, GOD can ACT and WORK through this HEART. |
The LIGHT flows from GOD’S HEART
into our HEARTS after a prayer to GOD, and from there into our hands with which we can pass
it on. We are laying on our hands and let the energy flow through them -
HELPING ourselves or
others - humans, animals or plants, with our hands or by way of our minds, by
sending LIGHT to other persons, whereever they may be, from our HEARTS through
our minds. Thus we may also HELP places on Earth, cities, countries, continents
and oceans, or even EARTH as a whole, and the Universe, too... When we lay the hands on ourselves, the HEALING and CLEARING process will happen to us – if we lay them on somebody else, the LIGHT is not only CLEARING and HEALING this person, but us as well, because of the above mentioned COSMIC LAW OF HARMONY AND BALANCE. And after a while, when you have become more sensitive, you actually will FEEL that when you lay your hands on somebody's CROWN-CHAKRA, the LIGHT also flows into your own... |
we ourselves should claim SUCCESS and GRATEFULNESS for this WORK, |
GOD himself, CHRIST and the WHITE
BROTHERHOOD as well as other High Beings of LIGHT accompany, protect and
support this WORK. They bring and protect the LIGHT. Where the LIGHT is,
there THEY are, too. Whoever is doing this WORK is guided by THEM,
and will increasingly perceive this GUIDANCE consciously. This WORK is always directed
outwards – such as
LIGHT and LOVE themselves. It has no limitations and no barriers. IT is
the ESSENCE OF GIVING. When we WORK with this POWER, LIGHT and LOVE do not
stop flowing after we have done our work – they keep on flowing, across the whole earth, through the earth, into the
universe… and HEAL, WIDEN and CHANGE EVERYBODY and EVERYTHING they touch! The symbol of LIGHT is the COSMIC CROSS with the
HEART = LOVE of CHRIST in its middle. It symbolizes CREATION and
the LOVE which CREATED it and flows through it eternally. If you would
like to know more about it you can find more information in the pages on
symbolism, Cosmic
Laws, among others. |
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I regard LIGHT as the POWER which
Men need desperately in order to bring their bodies, souls and minds into the
new dimensions of LOVE. For this purpose, it has been GIVEN to us at
this time If LIGHT is used for selfish
motives or with the purpose
of consciously harming another human being, it will stop flowing. It
cannot be misused – it can not harm anybody, only HELP. |
SIGN OF GRACE has been given to me some time |
I am very
grateful to my dear SISTER
Nicole, |
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